《哈利•波特与魔法石》是“哈利•波特”系列的第一部,于1997年问世,“哈利•波特”的热潮从此席卷全球。 在魔法石事件中,罗恩勇敢让自己被棋子打昏,那是我最最佩服和赞赏的行动。有人说他们是“三人组”,我看不为过。真是仨顶顶配合的勇敢者! 而哈利所表现出的忠贞,也让所有人惊讶和佩服。愿意用自己的生命保住魔法石,他也许知道自己没有胜算,但他还是勇敢去面对,希望尽自己所有的努力,即使有一丝的希望,他也不放过。这种勇敢的人世界上还有几个呢? 我实在找不到除了”勇敢”另外的形容词。第一部里最最美好的东西,实在就只是那友谊与忠贞。而它们,正是需要“勇敢”这个表现的。 在哈利波特第一部中,有一面可以让人看到内心最深处的欲望的镜子。哈利在那面镜子中看到了自己一岁时便去世的父母站在自己的身旁。我很想照一照那面镜子,因为我不知道如果自己照的话,会看到什么。 那面镜子里的事物,我们是否可以选择呢?答案表面上貌似是不能。虽然很多人一直抵抗,但不可否认的是,我们自己的命运,确实是在出生前就有一部分已经定好了。 但转过头来看,命运虽然是不可选择的,但人依然可以选择,成为怎样的人。 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first book in the series, was published in 1997, and the harry potter craze has swept the world ever since. In the case of the sorcerer's stone, RON was brave enough to allow himself to be knocked unconscious by chess. Some people say they are a "trio". Is really three bumps with the brave! And harry's loyalty, also let all people surprise and admire. Willing to save the stone with his own life, he may know he has no chance, but he still brave to face, want to do his best, even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will not let go. How many brave people are there left in the world? I can't think of anything witty to say about their courage. The best thing in the first part is just the friendship and loyalty. And that’s what they need to be brave. In the story, there is a mirror that reveals one's innermost desires. In the mirror, harry saw his parents, who had died when he was only 1 year old, standing next to him. I really want to take a look at that mirror because I don't know what I'll see if I do. Can we choose the things in the mirror? Seemingly, the answer seems to be no. Despite the resistance of many, there is no denying that some of our own destiny is determined before our birth. But look back, although fate is not optional, but people can still choose, what kind of person. 翻译2 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first book in the series, was published in 1997, and the harry potter craze has swept the world ever since. In the case of the sorcerer's stone, RON was brave enough to allow himself to be knocked unconscious by chess. Some people say they are a "trio". Is really three bumps with the brave! And harry's loyalty, also let all people surprise and admire. Willing to save the stone with his own life, he may know he has no chance, but he still brave to face, want to do his best, even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will not let go. How many brave people are there left in the world? I can't think of anything witty to say about their courage. The best thing in the first part is just the friendship and loyalty. And that’s what they need to be brave. In the story, there is a mirror that reveals one's inner desires. In the mirror, harry saw his parents, who had died when he was only 1 year old, standing next to him. I really want to take a look at that mirror because I don't know what I'll see if I do. Can we choose what we want to be present in the mirror? Seemingly, the answer to that is no. Despite many people's residence, there is no denying that some of our own destiny is determined before our birth. However,back up, although fate is not optional, but people can still choose what kind of person they what to be. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/19e3e0723e1ec5da50e2524de518964bce84d25f.html