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Block Deueiakment zane Baishixia uillage.Fu Yong Town Bao An Diatrict. Shenzhen.China TEL: (0755) 27308777 FAX: (0755) 27308486

RoHS 培训资料



RoHS (Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment) 在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质。

2.为什么要实施ROHS 为了保护人们的健康。 比如:铅是PCB板生产中的主要焊料。PCB板在家用电器中的用量很大(如:DVDTV,手机,电脑,……)。报废的家用电器被运到堆填区或乱扔掉。在雨水中的酸性作用下,通过土壤,进入地下水,最后被人们饮用。现代医学证明,铅可影响人体的所有器官,最大的是人的中枢神经系统,对小孩伤害更大。铅可伤害肾和生殖系统,不管你是吸入或吞下。在浓度高的情况下,铅可降低人们的反应能力,使关节脆弱,影响记忆力。铅还可产生贫血。低浓度铅对人们健康的影响还未知。

Why ban Lead?

Lead is a core component of the solder that goes into the manufacture of printed circuit boards (PCBs). PCBs are increasingly used in everyday household items from toasters to DVD players and are increasingly finding their way into landfill sites across the world. The problem with this is that these crushed PCBs are having the leaded solder washed out of them by the acidity in rainwater. This then enters the water table and ends up in drinking water. Lead can affect almost every organ and system in the body. The most sensitive is the central nervous system, particularly in children. Lead also damages kidneys and the reproductive system. The effects are the same whether it is breathed or swallowed. At high levels, lead may decrease reaction time, cause weakness in fingers, wrists, or ankles, and possibly affect the memory. Lead may cause anaemia, a disorder of the blood. The connection between these effects and exposure to low levels of lead is uncertain.

3RoHS 指令中包括的6种有害物质、限制、存在中的产品和对人体的伤害

Six Toxic Targets

Material Cadmium Cd 镉):100 PPM = 0.01% (重量)

Found in Cables, batteries 电池


Breathing high levels of cadmium severely damages the lungs and can leading to vomiting and diarrhea. Anticipated to be carcinogenic. 吸入导致呕吐和腹泻。可致癌。

Nasal damage if inhaled. If ingested, digestive disruption and bleeding, 鼻,吞入会导致消化混乱和出血,接触回导致皮肤溃疡,怀疑可致癌。

connectors, and cause death. Ingesting very high levels severely irritates the stomach, 电缆,连接器,高浓度的镉会严重伤害肺,并导致死亡。吞入高浓度的镉会严重刺激胃,

Hexavalent chromium (Cr 6+ -- 六价铬)1000

Metal finishes, media 媒体

some magnetic or skin ulcers on contact. Suspected of being carcinogenic. 吸入会伤害

PPM = 0.1% (重量) 金属制品,磁性

深圳市宝安区福永镇白石厦村新开发区第18 应达利电子(深圳)有限公司 邮编:518103



Lead* (Pb )(重量)

Solder cathode ray

Block Deueiakment zane Baishixia uillage.Fu Yong Town Bao An Diatrict. Shenzhen.China TEL: (0755) 27308777 FAX: (0755) 27308486

Lead affects almost every organ and system in the human body, especially the central nervous system, kidneys, and reproductive system. At high levels, lead can decrease reaction time, harm memory,

1000 PPM = 0.1% connecting,

tubes, batteries and cause weakness and/or anemia. 铅可影响人体的所有器官,最大的焊接点,阴极射是人的中枢神经系统,对小孩伤害更大。铅可伤害肾和生殖系统,不管线管,电池


Mercury (Hg )Fluorescent 1000 PPM = 0.1% tubes used to (重量)

illuminate flat-panel displays 荧光屏


Added to

Can cause skin problems and may be linked to more serious effects such as nausea, abdominal and joint pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, and weakness. Possibly cancer causing. 会产生皮肤问题,回带来恶心Exposure to high levels can permanently harm the brain, kidneys, and developing fetus. Effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, and memory problems. 高浓度的汞会永远伤害大脑肾和胎儿。对脑的伤害会表现在易怒颤栗视觉和听力的改变,记忆力下降。

biphenyls (PBBs) plastics to 1000 PPM = 0.1% increase their (重量)

fire resistance. 部和关节痛没有胃口疲劳和虚弱。怀疑可致癌。 添加在塑料中的阻燃济

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) 1000

Similar to PBBs, Animal tests suggest that PBDEs affect the thyroid and may cause injected in

neurobehavioral alterations and affect the immune system. Possibly 系统。怀疑可致癌。

plastic to reduce carcinogenic.动物试验发现会影响甲状腺,会产生神经混乱,影响免疫flammability. 添加在塑料中的阻燃济

PPM = 0.1% (重量) their

4. 罚款


SONY 2001年圣诞节前因台湾厂家代加工的部件Cd 镉超标, 一种很出名的游戏机在丹麦被罚款。 200671ROHS生效后,SONY因产品内的部件铅超标,又被丹麦政府罚款。

深圳市宝安区福永镇白石厦村新开发区第18 应达利电子(深圳)有限公司 邮编:518103
