
时间:2022-04-11 12:53:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



1 “喜系列”包括;

Wow! Gee! Yummy !(专指好吃)good thingBingoNow you bet thank goodnessEtc. 只要长对话中出现以上任意语气词,均代表说话人心情爽快,态度支持,或是对对方的说话表示赞同以及肯定的评价。


1i keep putting off getting my passport application(我把护照申请拖了又拖)

Thank goodness I didnt drag my feet on that one.(谢天谢地,我没在这件事上拖拉) 2guess whatI just heard Daves selling that car of his that you like so much.你猜怎么着,戴夫要卖掉他那辆车,就是你最喜欢的那种)

Oh , wow,I’ll bet its expensive , but it couldnt hurt to check it out.(哇塞,我猜一定会很贵,但不妨去瞧一瞧)



1 wow !when did you come into so much cash?(哇塞!什么时候搞到这么多现金?) 2 wow! You must have had 6 hotdogs already. And the baseball game is only half over.(哇

塞!你一定已经吃了六个热狗了,而球赛也不过刚刚过半儿) 3 wow !That‘s quite a difference!(哇塞!真是与众不同啊。

4 wowI wish I were going with you(哇塞!真希望跟你一起去)



SayRichardif you like antique cars ,we ve got an extra ticket for the auto show on Saturday. Care to join us?(嗨,查得,如果你喜欢老爷车的话,我们这多了一张周六汽车展览的票,你要去吗?)

Gee.How could I turn down an offer like that? (太棒啦,我怎能错过好机会呢)

This barbecue sure beats the last one we went toHa?(这次烧烤比上次好多了,对吧?) Oh thats right. Everyone had to spend the whole time inside .Good thingthe weather decided to

cooperate this time around

Have you seen Tom Smith the junior play(你看过汤姆表演的三年级戏剧了吗) Nowhes got promise(好,他真有前途)

I am going to Chicago on business and somebody said you were the right person to talk to about what I can do there for fun(我想去芝加哥,有人说想玩就找你)

You bet Iam .I hope youve got at least a month(你是找对人了,我希望你至少腾出一个月时间)


2. “怒系列”包括

OopsAhnutsUh-uh! Too bad! Tough luck!Bad luck! Oh,dear! Oh ,bother! Etc


Oops!Did any of my coffee just spill on you(哎哟!我的咖啡溅到你身上了) It s hotis that all you have to say

There is a thunderstorm watch for this afternoon(天气预报说下午雷雨) Ah nuts.And I was about to drive home(真蠢,我还打算开车回家呢)

Uh-uh.Look I’m going to be a little late for class. I hope Clark doesnt start on time today.(糟糕,我快迟到了,但愿克拉克教授不会按时上课)

Are you kiddingyou can set your watch by the start of his class.(开什么玩笑?你都可以按照他的上课时间来对表了)

The seminar originally scheduled for today has been cancelled(今天早已安排的专题课被取消了。 Too bad, but it still on for the next week Isnt it

Every single book I need for my report is off the shelves(我写报告所需要的任何一本书都下架了) Toughluck.


3 惊系列包括:

Ohmanoh, boy! Gosh! My god !Oh , my! Jeez ! Dear mewhew jesuschrist really

OhsoOh,no! etc.



Oh mansomething in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something.(天,房间里有东西让我眼睛发痒,我一定是对什么过敏了) HmmI wonder what it is(我想知道那是什么)

Boyhow quickly technology changes. So many people have a computer in their home nowadays!(天呢!科技真是日新月异。如今家里很多人都有电脑了) I know. I feel so behind the times.(是啊,我感觉我落伍了)

Your cousin just called. They re stranded at the beach.


Oh , so they didnt get a lift after all(啊,也就是说他们没搭上便车呗)
