法国人的英文单词 你知道法国人的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来解决吧。 法国人的英文释义: Frenchman French person French Frenchmen parleyvoo froggy 法国人的英文例句: 法国人擅长烹饪。 The French are renowned for their cooking. 他是在意大利工作的法国人。 He's a French national working in Italy. 我按出生是法国人,因结婚而成为英国公民。 I am French by birth and a British subject by marriage. 据说法国人是世界上最浪漫的民族之一。 It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world. 他的父母是法国人。 He is French by birth. 他比那个法国人矮胖得多。 He was much stouter than the Frenchman. 变革无须践踏法国人珍视的价值。 Change need not mean trampling on values that the French cherish. [color=#000000][font=Tahoma][font=宋体]变革无须践踏法国人珍视的价值。 [color=#000000]Change need not mean trampling on values that the French cherish. 在1700年代中期法国人重剑发展了手语。 In the middle of the 1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language. 一支英国舰队在特拉法尔加击败了法国人。 A British fleet defeated the French at Trafalgar. 第二次世界大战中,美国人与英国人和法国人并肩战斗,抵抗德国人。 In World War Ⅱ,the Americans fought with the British and French against theGermans. 法国人也许是不怎么喜欢他们的总统,但他们还没找到一个更喜欢的总统。 The French may not much like their president. But they have yet to find anyone they like better. 你不是法国人并且我们也不在法国。 You’re not French and we’re not in France. 她是法国人。 She is French. “没有法国人会干那事,”他说。 "No French person would do that," he said. “我们必须酿造更多有意思的酒,而且我们必须更加深入地了解我们的不同的产区,就像法国人做的那样。”他说道。 “We have to be making more interesting wines, and we have to look more to ourregions, as the French do,” he says. 而且法国人一直热爱伊丽莎白女王和英国王室家族,这难道是因为他们拥有德国血统的缘故吗? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1d7074d2dc80d4d8d15abe23482fb4daa58d1da0.html