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引出建议 列举建议与理由(→ 希望) 二、套语背诵


Here are my suggestions on how to ... Suggestions on ... can be listed as follows.

The ways for you to ... can be suggested as follows. 2.列举建议可以用:

first of all/first/to begin withsecond (ly)/then/besides/in addition/what’s morefinally/lastly/last but not least

for one thing ...and for another (thing)



发言稿是参加会议者为了在会上表达自己的意见、看法、学习心得、汇报工作情况而事先准备的文稿。包括开幕词、闭幕词、欢迎词、欢送词、告别词等。一般包括: 称呼语 正文 结束语。 一、套语背诵

1.称呼语有: Dear friends/Dear fellow students/Good morning, ladies and gentlemen/Good afternoon everyone等。其后用逗号“, ” 有时用一句客套语。如:

It is a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.我很荣幸站在这里发表演讲。 I’m very happy to stand here and give my speech.我很高兴能站在这里发言。 一般开门见山直奔主题。如:

Welcome to our school. Now please allow me to introduce you to some of our school rules here.欢迎你们来到我们学校, 请让我向你们介绍一下我校的一些规章制度。

The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts on becoming a grown-up.”我今天发言的主题是“关于成为成年人的思考”

Welcome to this years English speech competition. Im Li Hua. I feel greatly honored to host the contest, which is sponsored by the Students Union.欢迎来参加今年的英语演讲比赛, 我是李华, 非常荣幸主持由学生会发起的这次比赛。 列举讲话要点。常用first of all, secondly, finally等。 有时会加上一句总结性的话。如:

I hope that the friendship between you and us will exist forever.我希望你和我们之间的友谊永存。

In a word, good listening can really enable you to get closer to each other.总之, 好好倾听会让你们能够彼此靠近。

Only in this way can we become good listeners.只有这样, 我们才可以成为良好的倾听者。

3. 结束语有: That’s all. Thank you (for your listening)!



1.为了拥有朋友,你必须做一个诚实的人。 (in order to; have got to) 2.首先最好加入一些俱乐部并多参加活动以结识陌生人。 (join; join in) 3.其次,一旦你有了朋友,要学会去关心他们。(be concerned about) 4.在任何时候都不要忽视他们。(ignore)

5.最后但同样重要的是,要和他们好好相处,并经常和他们交流。(get along with)

UNIT 2语言学习


1.现在,英语在我们生活中的作用越来越重要。 (at presentplay an important part in) 2.因为这一点,很多人正在努力学习英语 (because of)

3.我们肯定会在学习英语中遇到很多问题,如词汇、 语法等。 (such as)

4.很多人提出了解决它们的方法,比如学习英语应该以我们的课本为基础;我们应该充分利用每一分钟多读等。 (come up withbe based onmake full use of)

5只有掌握大量词汇时,我们才能容易地阅读。 (have a good command ofa large number of)


A shopkeeper once found that a bag money 56._______ had been stolen from his shop He went to the 57._______ judge(法官) and tell him about his loss(损失)58._______ The judge ordered all people of the shop 59._______ to come before him He took a number of the 60._______ sticks of equal length(长度) or gave one stick 61._______ to each person Then he said Come after me 62._______ again tomorrow Ill then know which of you are 63._______ the thief because the stick given to a thief 64._______ will be one inch longer than the other 65._______ 2

Miss Evans taught physics in school in LondonLast month 56._____ she was explaining to one of her class about sound and 57._____ she decide to test them to see how successful she had 58._____ been in her work She said to them Now I has a sister 59._____ in Washington If I was calling her by the phone and 60._____ you were on the other side of the street Who would 61._____ hear me first my sister and you And why?” 62._____ A clever boy at once answered You sister Miss 63._____ Evans because the electricity travels much faster than sound 64._____ waves Very well Miss Evans praised 65.______

56bag后加of 57.√ 58telltold 59all后加the

60.去掉the 61orand 62afterbefore 63areis

64athe 65otherothers

56.第一个in后加a 57classclasses 58decidedecided

59hashave 60byon 61 62andor
