长城语手抄报黑板报内容参考资料 长城语手抄报黑板报内容参考资料 长城手抄报黑板报内容资料-英语版the great all is not onl the magnum opus of human being but also the soul of hina!and the badaling great all is the eximious representation of the great all.on the peak of the badaling, the great all is toering. it goes up to the south peak and north peak from the guan it, onvolves on the ridge of jundu mountain and qian mountain,ou an not see its beginning and end,it disappears beond.so man people limbed it,surved the great all,felt inspirited,song the praises of it and gasped in admiration……hen did it be built in the groups of mountains?hat imprints did the remote ears left behind?ho man hardships and dangers did it got through? it also has man move one to praises and tears,lamentable and laughable stors of the historial people……the great all hih be reated b the human being ill be our nie mind forever!the histor of the great all the great all is one of the onders of the orld that reated b human being! if ou e to hina ithout limbing the great all,just as ell as ou e to paris ithout visiting the iron toer,e to egpt ithout visiting the pramids! man often s a:“the man ho have not limbed the great all is not the true man.” do ou kno the histor of the great all?the histor 第 1 页 共 3 页 of the badaling great all being the eximious soul of the great all and being the best eximious representation of the ming-great all,the badaling great all also has the enturies-old histor. 附送:长安大学校庆60周年校内宣传标语 长安大学校庆60周年校内宣传标语 1. 热烈庆祝长安大学建校六十周年 团结进取 开拓创新 为把我校建设成为特色鲜明的高水平大学而奋斗 3. 向关心长安大学建设发展的海内外校友致以崇高的敬意 4. 向支持长安大学建设发展的领导和各界人士致以衷心的感谢 5. 热烈欢迎各位领导莅临我校检查指导工作 6. 热烈欢迎各位校友荣归母校共商发展大计 7. 弘毅明德 成就六秩基业 笃学创新 铸造百年辉煌 8. 贯彻落实科学发展观 开创学校改革建设发展新局面9. 继承优良传统 坚持正确方向 办出自身特色 再创新的辉煌10. 全面贯彻党的教育方针 努力培养社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人1 1. 面向现代化 面向世界 面向未来1 深化教育改革 创新人才培养 优化育人环境 建设和谐校园1 3. 辛勤耕耘喜结硕果 与时俱进再创辉煌1 4. 秦岭巍巍阅盛世 渭水潺潺迎嘉宾1 第 2 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1dccb2775ff7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969a6.html