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[Abstract] Suspense is an important element of writing. Its special feature, as the English dramatist, William Archill said, “to predict a very attractive state of affairs without telling it out.” On suspense’s forming, the English critic, David Lodge has incisive recapitulation,” To set forth a question and postpone the answer.” To be exactly, that is, to stress a main, unusual situation. And there is enough time and space left for readers to imagine.

Daphne du Maurier brings skill of suspense into full play in her most famous novel Rebecca .In it; she sets forth a series of suspense, including both full-text suspense and partial suspense. Moreover, smaller suspense have mutual relations in or among each level. This kind of arrangement not only because the motive force which helps the plots develop but also draw readers to read and guess what is in the next step.

This article expounds the special skill using a series of suspense in Rebecca and its artistic effects. And then,the novel’s design.. [Key Words] Rebecca; suspense; Manderley; implications.

【摘 要】 悬念是一种独特的文学结构形式,其重要特征,用英国戏剧理论家威廉·阿契尔的话说,就是“预示出一种十分吸引人的事态,却不把它预叙出来.”对于悬念的形成,英国当代小说批评家戴维·洛奇曾作过精辟的概括,即“提出问题,延缓提供答案”.具体而言,就是突出不同寻常的情境并延缓批露底细,使其呈明显的悬而未决的状态.

达夫妮·杜穆里埃在《蝴蝶梦》(原名《吕蓓卡》)中充分发挥悬念这一独特的文学结构形式的优,设置了一系列悬念,这些悬念不仅成为推动故事情节发展的内在动力,而且极大地刺激读者的阅读兴趣,给读者带来了独特的审美感觉.本文从结构上探讨作品别具匠心的悬念艺术,以助于更好的欣赏作品中的悬念。此外,从创作手法的角度剖析了文中一系列悬念手法产生的非同一般的艺术效果,指出这种手法在全文篇章结构中的重要作用。 【关键词】《吕蓓卡》;悬念;曼陀丽;暗示 1. Introduction

The English female writer, Daphne du Marrie had been a member of the Royal Society of Literature. She had written 17 novels and tried more than 20 kinds of styles in literatures writing, Daphne lived in Cornwall, a country on the Atlantic coast, North England, for a long time. Most of her works set background in the local conditions and customs. As a result, “Cornwall Novel” is given as a name for her works. Being deeply influenced by Gothic Novel, which is famous for its mystery, curiousness and terror, Daphne wrote her works with plots full of twists and turning. Any one who has read Rebecca, the most famous novel written by Daphne, will never f

orget those dismal and constrained scenes and horrible imaginations. However, the specific feature of this novel is its using lots of suspense carried through the whole story. This has made its plots intricate but well-knit and soul stirring. Add to this, Alfred Hitchcock filmed Rebecca in 20th century, considered as one of the well-known suspense films.

Suspense is an important skill of writing. It is also an singular design of literature writing. Its special feature, as the English dramatist, William Archill said,“ „to predict a very attractive state of affairs without telling it out.” [6] Usually, it sets forth a question and postpones the answer. To be more exactly, that is, to stress a main, unusual situation. And there is enough time and space left. The reason of causing the situation doesn’t appear at once. In this novel, Rebecca, there are 3 levels of suspense.

In the opening sentences of the book, Manderley is noticed. The lines of describing the heroine’s dream are full of misgivings and mystic.

“As I stood there, hushed and still, I could swear that the house was not an empty shell but lived and breathed as it had lived before.”[4](P7)

“A cloud, hitherto unseen, came upon the moon, and hovered an instant like a dark hand before a face.”[4](P7)

“The house was a sepulcher, our fear and suffering lay buried in the ruins. There would be no resurrection. When I thought of Manderley in my waking hours. I would not be bitter.”[4](P7)

Then “I” come to the reality from dream. “I” am thinking about Manderley and all happened in it that cannot hurt. These words have put forward the first suspense, that is, what a story happened in such a ruined, barren garden? Who is “I”? It catches readers’ eyes at once. Therefore, they are hastened to go further into the story, into the story about my life experience in Manderley.

2.The first level of suspense: Rebecca is a good wife with brains, beauty, and breeding?! 2.1Phoney

This is the main suspense, which goes through the whole story. In the story, the heroine and readers are mentioned time to time that Rebecca is a good wife who is beloved by Maxim.

“Mrs. Van Hopper said’, He looks ill, doesn’t he? They say he can’t get over his wife’s death„”[4](P15)

“„The Manderley parties were famous when she was alive, „”[2](P64)

“The bishop’s wife said,‘„(Rebecca)she was a very lovely creature, so full of life. ’

‘She was certainly very gifted. I can see her now, standing at the foot of the sta

irs on the night of the ball, shaking hands with every-body, that cloud of dark hair against the very white skin, and her costume suited her too, Yes, she was very beautiful.” [4](P131)

And in Mrs. Danvers eyes, Maxim could not live without Rebecca. After her death, he can’t go to sleep; he moves away from the bedroom and travels out for a long time in order to get over it.

Even for Maxim’s grandmother, Rebecca has made a great fuss of her. The old lady has never forgotten her and asks for Rebecca all the time.

All these seems that Rebecca is a kind, generous, elegant woman, a perfect wife. People around the town know her well and all praise her even when she is dead. Rebecca has a gift of smartness; she masters her power, finances and resources to run Manderley into the most famous show place in all the country. “ She is damnably clever. No one would guess meeting her that she was not the kindest; most generous, most generous, most gifted person in the world. She knew exactly what to say to different people, how to match her mood to theirs. Had she met you, she would have walked off into the garden with you, arm in arm, calling to Jasper, chatting about flowers, music, painting, whatever she knew to be your particular hobby. And you would have been taken in, like the rest. You would have sat at her feet and worshipped her.” [4](P283-P284) This is Maxim’s description of his wife, Rebecca. 2.2Truth

And Rebecca does succeed, or we would rather say, Daphne does succeed. Daphne used people’s actions and words to set up suspense .In fact, Rebecca is just completely opposed the impression being felt. Things are that Rebecca is a debauchee. “She was vicious, damnable, rotten through and through.”[4](P283) She knows Maxim’s disadvantage and has made good use of it. She knows that Maxim will never stand in a divorce court and give her away, have fingers pointing at, mug flung„

Rebecca would curse people, using every filthy word in her particular vocabulary. Rebecca does what she likes, she lives, as she likes. She sticks a big brute of horse, slashing at him, drawing blood, and digging the spurs into the horse. She sits on the hills above Monte Carlo, laughing, and tear flowers into fragments. She is like the devil. She seduces all kinds of man, even his husband’s brother in-law. Even when she has got a cancer, she inveigles her husband into a murderer! 2.3Hints

Though we haven’t known the truth till Chapter21, the writer has set hints. When we finish reading we will become aware of it and look back the whole story. 2.3.1Maxim’s attitude

Yes, firstly, we find that Maxim doesn’t welcome topics either about Manderley or his dead wife when he first appears in Monte Carlo. When Mrs. Van Hopper praises Manderley as a fairyland, „(Maxim) he went on smoking his cigarette, and I noticed faint as gossamer, the line between his brows. [4](P19) ‘His silence now was painf
