
时间:2022-05-10 05:05:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

母亲对孩子的照顾是以燃烧青春为代价,但是没有一个人母亲会因为牺牲的青春而不愿意付出。母亲对孩子的爱永远都是无私的。 Mother is burning the youth as the price of child care, but no one mother because of the sacrifice of youth and is not willing to pay. A mother's love for her child will always be impartial.


Dear mom, years already burned your youth, but your care and encourage will accompany me to stroll harships life. Plaster your forehead wrinkles with my heart, with my

feelings of black hair your head. I want to wish you a happy mother's day.


There are many things to many people,, experienced turned will forget, but in our hearts will never forget our mother, never because the passage of time and cut our mother's deep love. Happy mother's Day!


She is not a cloud, because she is not the wind and scattered waves; she is not, because she can't swim. She is love -- the love of the mother, happy mother's happiness! 您常说,子女的幸福快乐就是的的礼物,今天我把所有的幸福和快乐用短信包裹送给您,祝身体健康,笑口常开!

You often say, children's happiness is the best gift, today I put all the happiness and joy with messages parcel to you, wish you good health, happiness!


Mother looked at a little white hair, a growing by deep wrinkles, years of nurturing my mother bear bitter hardships adult, please accept my wishes for your deepest in this day belongs to you happy holidays, forever young!


Total hope happiness will surround you; always look

forward to the happiness you hug; expected total health with you; always expect to do more for your. Bless you, my dearest love people -- mother!
