英语版母亲节手抄报:感恩慈母心 有人说“可怜天下父母心”,这个是必须的,不过在这个特殊的日子里,我们更需要做的是感恩天下慈母心!发一条母亲节祝福短信,让爱在这里升华! Some people say "pitiful world parents heart", this is a must, however, in this special day, we need to be grateful mother's heart the world! A mother's Day SMS blessing, let love here sublimation! 1.你的黑发夹杂银丝,你的面颊浮现斑点,你的眼角爬满皱纹…原来你把青春给了我,亲爱的老妈,你的牵挂是我生活的动力,一句“我爱你”,短信传给你! 1 your hair with silver, your cheek surface spots, your eyes covered with wrinkles... You put the youth to me, dear mum, your care is the motivation of my life, the words "I love you", a message to you! 2.假如我是个诗人,我就要写一首诗,来赞美您的爱;假如我是画家,我就要用各种颜色,描绘出你的慈容。但我什么都不是!我想说的是:母亲,您辛苦了! 2 if I were a poet, I will write a poem, to praise your love; if I were a painter, I would use a variety of colors, paint your benevolent. But I am nothing! I want to say is: mother, you have worked hard! 3.梦里,您的微笑还是那么亲切;耳边,您的唠叨依然使心灵温热。妈妈,愿儿的祝福随着春天里的暖风悄然飘入您的梦里,让您温暖永远! 3 dreams, your smile is so kind; ear, you nagging still makes the mind warm. Mom, may the blessing with spring in the air quietly float into your dreams, let you warm forever! 4.万千母亲用柔弱的双肩撑起了人类的发展;用甘甜的乳汁孕育了人类的文明.在母亲节到来之际愿天下母亲幸福安康! 4 my mother with weak shoulders propped up human development; human civilization has bred with the sweet milk. On Mother's Day is approaching to the mothers in the world happiness and goog health! 5.母亲啊母亲,您丰腴的腹部孕育出我的生命,您的皱纹白发哺育我成长!您永远是我的维纳斯,我会努力成为您的骄傲!感恩慈母,诚愿天下母亲幸福安康! The 5 mother, mother, you plump belly bred out of my life, your wrinkles and gray hair fed me to grow up! You will always be my Venus, I will strive to become your pride! Thanksgiving mother, wish the mothers in the world happiness and goog health! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1cfcd8dbb84cf7ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cb2be.html