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1 .结构物: Construction 桥梁: Bridge 跨线桥: Flyover 铁路桥:

R.O.B. (Railway over bridge) 小桥: Minor bridge 拱桥: Arched bridge 地下通道: Underpass 人行天桥: Foot bridge 天桥: Overpass 便桥 :Auxiliary bridge

1.垫层 Bedding/Cushion 垫层砼: Bedding Concrete 砂垫层: Sand bed/cushion 2.基础: Foundation 扩大 /明挖基础: Open foundation 桩: Pile

桩基础: Pile foundation 钢筋砼钻孔灌注桩:

Reinforced concrete bored pile 3.下部结构 : Substructure 桩帽: Pile cap 钢筋砼桩基承台:

Reinforced cement concrete pile cap 桩头: Pile-head 桩式桥台: Pile abutment 桥台 :Abutment 台帽: Abutment cap 桥墩: Pier 圆柱: Column 墩帽: Pier cap

侧墙 (迂回墙 )Return wall 翼墙: Wing wall 墙: Wall

加筋挡土墙: Retaining wall 加筋土挡墙: (Reinforced earth) wall 支座垫石: Pedestal 支座: Bearing

橡胶支座: elastomeric bearing 背墙: Dirt wall (Back wall) 4.上部结构: Superstructure T 梁: T-Girder(Beam)

预制钢筋砼 T 梁: Precast RCC. T girder

横隔板梁: Intermediate girder/Beam

边梁 :End girder(Beam) 中隔 :Intermediate Cross beam 边隔板: End Cross beam 桥面板: Deck slab

现浇板: Cast in situ slab

防撞护栏: Crash barrier 人行道

护栏: Railing;

磨耗层: Wearing coat

实心板 Solid slab 空心板: Voided slab 预应力 Pre-stressing Work 压浆 Grouting 现浇预应力箱梁 PSC Box Girder

钢管栏杆: Pipe handrail 桥头搭板: Approach slab 泄水孔 Drainage spouts 收集井: collection pit 2 .涵洞: Culvert 管涵: Pipe culvert 板函: Slab culvert 箱函: Box culvert 倒虹吸: Inverted culvert

集水井: Storm water manhole(Catch pit)

检查井: Manhole 端墙: Head wall 底板: Bottom slab 顶板: Top slab 帽石: Cap 裙墙: Apron

底墙(坡脚墙) Toe wall 截水墙 (幕墙 ) Curtain wall 铺砌: Pitching

砌石护坡: Stone Pitching 干砌石(乱石堆) Rip-rap 石墙: Stone masonry wall 护墙 (矮墙 )Parapet 3).水系:(6 水沟: Drain 边沟: Side Drain 中央水沟: Median Drain 开口沟,明沟: Open drain 钢筋砼沟: RCC drain 砌石沟: Masonry drain 石笼: Gabion

石笼铁丝网 Gabion mesh

河道防护: River training 地下排水沟: Subsoil drain

流水面高程 管道内底高程 Invert level


检查,视察: Check/Inspect 测量: Survey

检查申请: RFI. (Request for inspection) 开挖: Excavate

换填: Exchange (Replace)

填石: Rock fill 石屑 chip 片石; chip stone 料石: chipped stone

钢筋: Steel bar/Reinforcement 箍筋 stirrup 弯沟 :hook 下料 ;Cut 弯曲: bend 绑扎: bind 绑丝: binding wire 保护层: Cover /protection layer/protection coat 净保护层: Clear cover 保护层垫块: Cover block 焊接: weld( jointing) 焊缝 :joint 焊剂 welding flux 焊条 welding rod 焊丝 welding wire

钢筋下料表: BBS.(Bar bending schedule)

钢筋笼: Reinforcing cage 钢筋网: Reinforcing mesh 搭接: Lap

钢筋搭接: Splicing of bars 钢筋接头 :Joint of reinforcement 钢筋间距 :spacing of bars 钢板 :steel plate 骨架 skeleton 钢丝刷 wire brush 螺栓 :bolt

(钢结构 )螺栓连接 :bolted connection

模板: Formwork/Shutter 木模板: timber formwork

钢模板: Steel Formwork 脚手架: Scaffold/ False work/Staying 胶合 :plywood 木楔 :chock

模板支设 :Erection 模板加固: Fixed form 模板拆除 Removal of formwork 砼: Concrete

钢筋砼: Reinforced concrete 素砼: Plain concrete 片石砼: Rubble concrete 浇注砼: Cast

concrete/Placing concrete 砼泵: Concrete pump 砼标号: Concrete grade(Class) 护: Curing 水下砼用导管: Tremie 砼保护层: Concrete cover 砼拌合站: Concrete mixing plant/Concrete batching plant 振动器 vibrator; 附着式模板振动器: External pneumatic vibrator 离析 segregation or loss of its constituent materials 溜槽 chute 蜂窝 honeycomb spot 裂缝 crack/fissure 麻面 pockmark 露筋 reveal of reinforcement 干缩 shrinkage 干缩裂缝 Contraction crack 抗渗砼 watertight concrete 坍落度 slump 终凝时间 final setting time 凝结时间 setting time ;; pump

振动台: Shake table/Vibratory table 振动器 vibrator 胶囊: Balloon 均匀沉降 non-uniform distribution 缩缝 (接头 )Expansion joint(Gap)/ 缩缝: Contraction joint 施工缝: Construction joint 密封条形伸缩缝 Strip Seal expansion joint 水泥 cement 水泥砂浆 cement mortar 砂浆 mortar 石灰: lime 水准仪: Level machine 全站仪: Total station 全球定位系统: GPS. (Global position system) 台背回填: Backfill 施工荷载: Construction load 施工图: Working drawing/Working shop 毫米: Millimeter 厘米 Centimeter 米: Meter 公里: Kilometer 桩号:

Chainage 英寸: Inch 英尺: Foot 英里: Mile 平方米: Square meter 立方米: Cubic meter 数量: Nos. 吨: Tonne 公斤: Kilogramme 克: Gramme 木钉 peg 铁钉:

nail 沥青纸: Tar paper 水泥罐 bulk storage containers/silo 锤子: Hammer 钢卷尺 steel tape 铁锨 shovel/spade

三、工种: 人工: manpower;

工人: worker 's 工头,领班: forman/ Worker ganger 1.小工(体力劳动者) Unskilled labour 壮工: labour

焊工 weldor 钢筋工: Fitter /Steel fixer 木工: Carpenter 砼工: Concrete gang / Concretor 瓦工 /石工: Stone mason 电工: Electrician 爆破工: Blaster 管工: Rigger/Pipe layer 警卫、门卫: Watchman 打桩操作手: Piling rig operator 小型设备操作手: Light plant operator 重型设备操作手: Heavy plant operator

下部结构 substructure 桥墩 pier 墩身 pier body 墩帽 pier cap, pier coping 台帽 abutment cap, abutment coping 盖梁 bent cap

又称 “帽梁”。 重力式 gravity pier 实体 solid pier 空心 hollow pier 柱式 column pier, shaft pier 单柱式 single-columned pier, single shaft pier 双柱式 two-columned pier, two shaft pier 排架桩墩 pile-bent pier 丫形 Y-shaped pier 柔性墩 flexible pier 制动墩 braking pier, abutment pier 单向推力墩 single direction thrusted pier 抗撞墩 anti-collision pier 锚墩 anchor pier 辅助 auxiliary pier 破冰体 ice apron 防震挡块 anti-knock block, restrain block 桥台 abutment 台身 abutment body front wall

又称 “胸墙”。 翼墙 wing wall

又称 “耳墙”。 U 形桥台 U-abutment 八字形桥台 flare wing-walled abutment 一字形桥台 head wall abutment T 形桥台 T-abutment 箱形桥台 box type abutment 拱形桥台 arched abutment 重力式桥台 gravity abutment 埋置式桥台 buried abutment 扶壁式桥台 counterfort abutment,

buttressed abutment 衡重式桥台 weight-balanced abutment 锚碇板式桥台 anchored bulkhead abutment 支撑式桥台 supported type abutment

又称“轻型桥台 ”。 组合式桥台 composite abutment 台后回填 back filling behind abutment 桥梁基础 bridge foundation 浅基础 shallow foundation 深基础 deep foundation 明挖基础 open cut foundation 扩大基础 spread foundation

沉井基础 open caisson foundation 沉井刃脚 caisson cutting edge 气压沉箱基础 pneumatic caisson foundation 管柱基础 colonnade foundation 双壁钢围堰钻孔桩基础 double-walled steel cofferdam and bored pile foundation 墩式基础 pier-foundation 桩基础 pile foundation 排架桩基础 pile-bent foundation 高承台桩基础 high-rise platform pile foundation pile 单桩 individual pile, single pile 群桩 pile group

又称“桩群 ”。 斜桩 battered pile, raked pile 锚桩 anchor pile 主桩 key pile 预制桩 precast pile 钢筋 混凝土桩 concrete pile 预应力混凝土桩 prestressed concrete pile 木桩 timber pile 钢桩 steel pile 钢管桩 steel pipe pile 凝土管桩 concrete pipe pile 钻孔桩 bored pile 就地灌注桩 cast-in-situ pile 沉管灌注桩 tube-sinking cast-in-situ pile sheet pile 微型桩 mini-pile

又称 “小型桩 ”。 扩底桩 under-reamed pile 支挡桩 soldier pile 抗滑桩 anti-slide pile 排土桩 displacement pile 非排土桩 non-displacement pile 摩擦桩 friction pile 支承桩 bearing pile 嵌岩桩 socketed pile 挖孔桩 cast-in-situ pile by excavation 打入桩 driven pile 承台 bearing platform, pile cap 灌浆截水墙 grouted cut-off wall 灌浆帷幕 grouted

curtain 地下连续墙 continuous slurry wall, diaphragm wall bearing 固定支座 fixed bearing 活动支座 expansion bearing, movable bearing 合成橡胶支座 elastomeric pad bearing

板式橡胶支座 laminated rubber bearing 盆式橡胶支座 pot rubber bearing 聚四氟乙烯支座 polytetrafluoroethylene bearing, PTFE bearing

铅橡胶支座 lead-rubber bearing 滚轴支座 roller bearing 式支座 rocker bearing 平板支座 plate bearing 球形支座 spherical bearing 垫块支座 pad bearing 活动伸缩缝支座 sliding expansion bearing 伸缩滚轴 expansion roller 拉压支 tension-compression bearing 铰式支座 knuckle bearing 桥梁设计 bridge design 桥梁方案设计 bridge conceptual design 桥梁结构设计 bridge structure design 桥梁细部设计 bridge detail design 荷载 load 实用荷载 service load 施工荷 construction load 开裂荷载 cracking load 疲劳荷载 fatigue load 容许荷载 allowable load 破坏荷载 failure load 桥梁试运行荷载 test run loading for bridge 静载 static load 动载 dynamic load 活载 live load 恒载 dead load 永久荷载 permanent load 可变荷载 variable load 偶然荷载 accidental load 非常荷载 abnormal load 环境荷载 environmental load 均布荷载 uniform load,distributed load 等代均布荷载 equivalent uniform distributed load 集中荷载 concentrated load 车道荷载 lane load 人群荷载 pedestrian load 风荷载 wind load 地震荷载 earthquake load,seismic force 又称“地震力 ”。

离心力 centrifugal force 冲击力 impact force 制动力 braking force 船舶撞击力 ship collision force 土压力 earth pressure 冰压力 ice pressure

流水压力 flowing water pressure 浮力 buoyancy 下拉荷载 downdrag, negative friction of pile

又称 “桩负摩擦力 ”。

拱推力 arch thrust 基础隆胀力 heave force of foundation 界压曲荷载 critical buckling load 屈服破坏荷载 failure load by buckling 荷载组合 loading combinations 荷载效应 load effect 标准车辆荷载 standard truck loading 桥梁容许应力设 allowable stress design of bridge 桥梁极限状态设计 limit state design of bridge 桥梁承载能力极限状态 ultimate limit state of bridge carrying capacity 桥梁使用能力极限状态 serviceability limit state of bridge 桥梁荷载系数设计法 load factor design method of bridge 桥梁概率极限状态设计法 probabilistic limit state design method of bridge 桥梁优化设 optimum design of bridge 桥梁结构可靠度 reliability of bridge structure 可靠度基准期 reliability datum period 地震危险性分析 seismic risk analysis 桥梁抗震设计 aseismatic design of bridge 桥梁抗震稳定性 aseismatic stability of bridge 地震基本烈度 basic earthquake intensity 设计烈度 design intensity of earthquake 地震震级 earthquake

magnitude 地震加速度 seismic acceleration 疲劳设计 fatigue design 桥头回填设计 bridge end backfilling design 梁平面结构 plane structure for bridge 桥梁空间结构 space structure for bridge 静定桥梁结构 statically determinate bridge structure 超静定桥梁结构 statically indeterminate bridge structure 结构体系转换 structure system transform 构完整性 structural integrity 安全系数 safety factor 冲击系数 impact factor 又称 “动力系数 ”。 荷载系数 load factor

膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion 构件 member, element

又称 “杆件 ”。 节间 panel

梁腹 web

又称 “腹板 ”。 翼缘 flange

又称 “法兰”。 加劲杆 stiffener

又称 “加劲肋 ”。 加劲梁 stiffening girder 加劲腋 haunch

又称 “梁腋”。 托架 bracket

俗称 “牛腿”。 结点板 gusset plate

又称“节点板 ”。 剪力键 shear key 横系杆 lateral bracing 风嘴 wind fairing 伸缩板 expansion plate 应力集中 stress concentration 应力腐蚀 stress corrosion 热应力 thermal stress

又称 “温差应力 ”。 支撑应力 bearing stress 组合应 combined stress 容许应力 allowable stress

又称“许用应力 ”。 极限应力 ultimate stress 稳定性 stability 刚度 rigidity, stiffness 位移 displacement 挠度 deflection 力矩 moment, bending moment

又称 “弯矩”。

剪力 shear 双力矩 bi-moment 力矩分配法 moment distribution method 又称 “弯矩分配法 ”。

力矩包络线 moment envelope 剪力分布 shear distribution 剪力滞后 shear lag 又称 “剪滞”。

影响线 influence line 影响面积 influence area 压曲 buckling 又称 “压屈”。 扭曲 distortion

又称 “畸变”。

翘曲 warp 颤振 flutter 驰振 galloping 抖振 buffeting

又称 “击振”。 涡流效应 vortex shedding effect 风致摆动 wind induced oscillation 挠度横向分布 transverse distribution of deflection 荷载横向分布 transverse distribution of load 杠杆原理法 lever principle method 偏心受压法 eccentric compression method 刚性横梁法 rigid cross beam method 铰接梁法 hinge connected beam

method 刚接梁法 rigid connected beam method 弹性梁支承 elastic supported beam method 准正交各向异性板法 quasi-orthotropic slab method G M Guyon-Massonet method 抗风稳定性 wind resisting stability 空气动力稳定性 aerodynamic stability 风压分布图 wind pressure distribution graph 临界风速 critical wind speed 温度梯度 thermal gradient 温差 temperature difference 年均温差 annual mean temperature difference 连拱作用 continuous arch effect -结构共同作用 soil-structure interaction 桥梁承载能 load carrying capacity of bridge 桥梁耐久性 bridge durability 地基承载力 bearing capacity of subsoil 单桩承载力 bearing capacity of pile 抗裂性 crack resistance 裂缝控制 crack control 裂缝宽度限值 limit of crack opening 裂缝分布 crack pattern 疲劳限度 fatigue limit 磨损限值 wear allowance 又称 “容许磨耗 ”。

使用状态挠度限值 deflection limit for serviceability 结构延展 structure ductility 桥梁破损 bridge failure 桥梁破坏 bridge collapse 毁灭性破坏 catastrophic collapse 钢筋锈蚀 steel-bar corrosion 桥梁计算机辅助设计 computer aided design for bridge, CAD for bridge 格构比拟 grillage analogy 预应力度 degree of prestressing 全预应力混凝土 fully prestressed concrete 部分预应力混凝土 partially

prestressed concrete 有限预应力混凝土 limited prestressed concrete A 类部分预应力混凝土 type A partially prestressed concrete

B 类部分预应力混凝土 type B partially prestressed concrete 体内预应力 prestressing with bond

体外预应力 external prestressing 预弯法预应力

prestressing without tendon by pre-bending 复传力法预应力 prestressing by subsequent bond 压拉双作用预应力 prestressing with subsequent compression and tension 后张自锚法预应力 self-anchored post tensioning prestressing 双向预应力 two-dimension prestressing 三向预应力 three-dimension prestressing 非预应力钢筋 non-prestressed reinforcement 粘结的预应力筋 bonded tendon 消除粘结的预应力筋 debonded tendon 无粘结的预应力筋 non-bonded tendon 预应力损失 loss of prestress 管道摩擦损失 loss due to duct friction 锚具变形损失 loss due to anchorage deformation 锚具温差损失 loss due to anchorage

temperature difference 混凝土收缩损失 loss due to concrete shrinkage 混凝土弹性压缩损失 loss due to elastic compression of concrete 混凝土徐变损失 creep loss of concrete 钢筋预应力松弛损失 loss due to tendon relaxation 杆件缩短损失 loss due to concrete member shortening 杆件弯曲损失 loss due to bending of concrete member 锚具 anchorage

又称“工作锚具 ”。 夹具 clamper

又称“工具锚具 ”。

锥形锚具 cone anchorage, Freyssinet cone anchorage 又称

“弗氏锚 ”。

夹片式锚具 strand tapered anchorage VSL 锚具 VSL anchorage

瑞士 VSL 厂生产的国际通用夹片锚具。

YM 锚具 Y-typed anchorage, post-tensioning strand group anchorage

公路规划设计院与新津筑路机械厂研制的 Y 型锥 形三夹片式群锚。

XM 锚具 X-typed anchorage

X 型三夹片式群锚。

OVM 锚具 oriental cone anchorage

东方( orient )公司与郴州厂研制的锥形二夹片式锚 具。

J M 1 2 型锚具 J M 12 anchorage 镦头锚 bulb-end anchorage, BBRV anchorage 又称 B B R V 锚”。 精轧螺纹锚 thread bar anchorage, Dywidag anchorage system

又称 “迪维达格锚固系统 ”。 连接器 coupler 锚固区 anchorage zone

横向承载桩地基系数法 subsoil reaction modulus method for laterally loaded pile

桩基 m 值法 subsoil reaction modulus m method for laterally loaded pile

桩基 c值法 subsoil reaction modulus c method for laterally loaded pile p-y 曲线法 p-y curve method 应力波方程法 stress wave equation method 基底应力扩散 stress dispersal beneath footing 基础沉降 foundation settlement 沉降差 differential settlement 桥梁施工 bridge construction 缆索吊装法 erection with cableway

又称 “无支架吊装法 ”。 悬臂拼装法 cantilever erection method

平衡悬拼法 precast balancing cantilever method 悬臂浇筑法 cast-in-place cantilever method

平衡悬浇法 cast-in-place balancing cantilever method 逐跨施工法 span by span construction method

膺架式架设法 erection with scaffolding method 膺架浇筑法 method

又称 “就地浇筑法 ”。 顶推法 incremental launching method

cast on scaffolding method, cast-in-place
