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胃痛多由外感寒邪、饮食所伤、情志不畅和脾胃素虚等病因而引发。那么你知道胃痛用英语怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起学习胃痛的英语知识吧。 胃痛英语说法

stomachache gastralgia dyspepsodynia 胃痛的相关短语

导致胃痛 Cause stomach pain ; Lead to stomach pain stomachache ; stomach ache ; stomach-ache ; gastralgic

有胃痛 Have a stomach pain

他胃痛 His stomach pain ; His stomach ache

慢性胃痛 chronic gastralgia ; chronic stomach ache ; chronic stomachache

急性胃痛 acute stomachache ; acute gastrodynia 胃痛的英语例句

1. She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble. 20公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。

2. She gave some medicine to me when my stomach griped. 我胃痛时她给了我一些药.

3. He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain.


4. He was at a party all night and felt the aftereffects, a headache and a stomachache, the next day.

他在晚会上玩了个通宵, 第二天才觉出头痛、胃痛的后果. 5. If you eat too much candy, a stomach ache will follow.

你如果吃糖过多, 必然会胃痛.

6. Sometimes my stomach ached, but I felt full for a moment. 有时候感到胃痛, 但我至少感到饱了一阵子. 7. I have a headache ( stomachache ). 我头痛 ( 胃痛 ).

8. She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛.

9. It will serve you right if you get stomach ache after eating all those apples.


10. Here are three kinds of simple medicines for stomachache.


11. My husband has a stomachache. 我丈夫胃痛.

12. I don't know. He has a headache, a bad stomachache and a fever.

不知道, 他现在头痛, 并伴随剧烈胃痛,而且还发烧.

13. Often what reason can gastralgia be commonly? How to a stomach?

经常胃痛一般会是什么原因? 如何养胃?

14. Mucus works in your stomach by reducing pain caused by stomach acid.


15. Ken : Well , I feel tired, I have a splitting headache and stomach ache.

, 我觉得非常累, 我头像裂开似的疼痛而且还胃痛.
