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抽屉英语说法1 drawer

抽屉英语说法2 till



He opened a drawer in his writing-table. 她猛地拉开了抽屉。

She yanked open the drawer. 最上面的抽屉是放刀叉的。

The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in. 你在我抽屉里乱翻什么?

What are you burrowing around in my drawer for? 请在抽屉里铺上纸。

Line the drawer with paper, please. 最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀。

There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer. 他找到了藏在抽屉里的钱。

He found the money secreted in a drawer. 这抽屉太紧了,我打不开。

This drawer is too tight for me to open it. 可以用锤子把抽屉砸开。

You could smash the drawer up with a hammer. 我把盒子藏在放棉织品的抽屉里。

I tucked the box away in the linen drawer. 每个抽屉有一个抽屉标题和一个内容区。

Each drawer has a drawer heading and a content area. 他锯出抽屉板块,然后装配抽屉

He milled the drawer pieces and assembled the drawer. 小文件柜可配双抽屉或三抽屉。 Pedestals are two or three drawers. 用你最喜欢的香味熏香你的抽屉和衣柜。

Scent your drawers and wardrobe with your favourite aromas. 他翻了所有的抽屉找寻那个不见了的文件。

He searched all the drawers for the missing paper. 杰夫匆忙把抽屉推回去。

Geoff hastily pushed the drawer back into place. 到处都是衣服:挂在抽屉上、扔在地上、甚至堆在废纸篓里。 Clothes were everywhere; hanging out of drawers, strewn across the floor, even spilling from the wastepaper basket.


When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.


You know that old iPhone 2 that 's sitting in your desk drawer, or maybe an old BlackBerry ( gasp!)
