
时间:2024-01-19 01:14:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. Clifford and I go to visit Clifford's brother, Nero. He is a fire rescue dog. 一天Clifford和我一起去拜访他的哥哥NeroNero是一头消防营救犬。 2. When we get there, a group of children come to have a class. 当我们到达那里的时候,正好碰上一群孩子来上消防课。

3. Nero shows them what to do if their clothingis on fire. Just then, we hear the siren. There is a fire!


4. Clifford and I run ahead. He clears the street for the fire trucks. Then he takes the people to a safe place.

Clifford和我跑去前面。Clifford为消防车开路。然后把人们带到了一个安全的地方。 5. Some fire-fightersare in trouble. Clifford helps them out. 一些消防员遇到了麻烦。Clifford帮助他们冲了出来。

6. Clifford makes a hole in the roof. He gives the fire-fighters some water. Then he clears the smoke away.


7. When the fire is out, Clifford helps the fire-fightersget out of the building safely.


8. We give the fire-fighters a ride back to the firehouse. Clifford is a hero! He is as brave as his brother, Nero.

我们把消防员们送回了消防队。Clifford真是个英雄!他和他的哥哥Nero一样勇敢。 【练一练】

1. Where does Clifford's brother Nero work? He works in a_____. A. school


B. firehouse C. hospital

2. What does Clifford do before he gives the fire-fighters some water? He _____________________.A. clears the street for the fire trucksB. makes a hole in the roofC. clears the smoke away Key: 1. B 2. B

