五年级英语教材:狗狗Clifford之勇敢的消防员-五年级 大家好,我是Emily。有一天,我陪Clifford去消防队看望他的哥哥Nero。Nero正在给一群孩子上安全课呢。突然,警报器响了。有火灾!Clifford也参加了紧张的救火工作,表现得非常勇敢。他做了些什么呢?快看故事吧。本文适合小学学生阅读。 1 Clifford and I go to visit Cliffords brother, Nero He is a fire rescue dog 一天Clifford和我一起去拜访他的哥哥Nero。Nero是一头消防营救犬。 2 When we get there, a groue to have a class 当我们到达那里的时候,正好碰上一群孩子来上消防课。 3 Nero shows them what to do if their clothingis on fire Just then, we hear the siren There is a fire! Nero在教孩子们如果身上的衣服着火烧起来了,该怎么办。就在那时,我们听到了汽笛声。着火了! 4 Clifford and I run ahead He clears the street for the fire trucs Then he taes the e fire-fightersare in trouble Clifford hel out 一些消防员遇到了麻烦。Clifford帮助他们冲了出来。 6 Clifford maes a hole in the roof He gives the fire-fighters some water Then he clears the smoe away 1 Clifford在房顶上挖了个洞。他给消防员送去了水。然后他还让烟雾散开。 7 When the fire is out, Clifford hele water He _____________________A clears the street for the fire trucsB maes a hole in the roofC clears the smoe away Key: 1 B 2 B 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c0e605d1c2c708a1284ac850ad02de80d4d806d7.html