礼貌用英语怎么说 推荐文章 描述有关没礼貌的英语情景对话 热度: 关于描述有礼貌的情景英语对话 热度: 表达关于没礼貌的英语情景口语 热度: 表达没礼貌的英语口语情景对话 热度: 描述关于没礼貌的英语情景口语对话 热度: 礼貌,是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。对一个人来说,礼貌是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现。那么你知道礼貌用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 礼貌英语说法1: politeness 礼貌英语说法2: manner 礼貌英语说法3: civility 礼貌的相关短语: 礼貌提问 Polite Questions ; Courtesy question ; Hon courtesy 礼仪礼貌 Unit one good Manners 不礼貌 misbehavior ; bad manners ; discourteousness ; impertinent 文明礼貌 Manners ; Good Manners ; proper courtesy ; civilization manner 讲礼貌 stress on manners ; Polite ; Be Courteous ; Speak the manner 礼貌行为 Good Manners 礼貌发问 Polite Questions 礼貌收尾 ending politely 积极礼貌 positive politeness 礼貌的英语例句: 1. He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming. 他话不多,很有礼貌,为人谦和。 2. He's generous and, you know, very nice, very polite. 他很大方而且,你知道,很友善,很有礼貌。 3. I think it's the height of bad manners to be dressed badly. 我认为衣着不当是最没有礼貌的行为。 4. I think English men are very polite and very correct. 我认为英国人很有礼貌,举止非常得体。 5. Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low, polite tones. 克罗斯清了清嗓子,开始有礼貌地低声说话。 6. It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions. 在社交场合讨论生意被认为是不礼貌的。 7. She listened to him, but only out of politeness. 她只是出于礼貌听他讲话。 8. She smiled, politely rather than with tenderness or gratitude. 她只是出于礼貌地笑了笑,而非出于关心或感激。 9. He treated you very nicely and acted like a decent guy. 他对你非常有礼貌,举止得体。 10. He didn't have the common courtesy to ask permission. 他连邀准这种最起码的礼貌都没有。 11. My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell. 人们称我为,当然只是出于礼貌,尊敬的阿马利娅·洛弗尔夫人。 12. The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care. 病人有权得到周到而礼貌的照顾。 13. A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/21949d25a5c30c22590102020740be1e650eccfc.html