弹奏用英语怎么说 弹奏是戏曲音乐术语。 弹拨乐器演奏谓弹奏。 通常写于音符之上, 用以注明从该音起的乐句或段落,用弹拨乐器来演奏。有时用横虚线注明其范围。那么你知道弹奏用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 弹奏英语说法: play 弹奏的英语例句: 他在教堂弹奏风琴。 He plays the organ in church. 你钢琴弹奏练习得不够。 You don't practise enough at the piano. 弹奏慢拍挑逗舞曲的乐队 Bands playing slow raunchy dance tunes 这首曲子容易弹奏,所以人们都乐于弹奏它。 The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play. 他的儿子是一个三岁就能弹奏钢琴的早慧儿童。 His son is a precocious child who could play the piano at the age of three. 古希腊人弹奏七弦琴。 Lyres were played by the ancient Greeks. 乐队开始弹奏一首拨弦乐。 The band started to play a twangy tune. 所以快速弹奏八度音阶可以象快速弹奏单音的速度一样。 Therefore octaves can be played just as quickly as the fastest single notes. 这首曲子容易弹奏,所以人们都乐于弹奏它。 The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play. 这样没办法弹奏音阶,这样没办法弹奏钢琴! This is no way to play scales this is no way to play the piano! 键盘用手弹奏的风琴键盘 A keyboard of an organ played with the hands. 他用风琴弹奏一支曲子。 He ground out a tune on an organ. 1957年,他创建了“音乐”(Music)程序。IBM的704大型机用之弹奏了17秒种的音乐。 In1957, he created the Music program, which allowed an IBM704 mainframe computer to play a17-second music composition. 内尔在弹奏竖琴。 Nell was plucking a harp. 最后,他为一位女士弹奏夏威夷四弦琴,通过视频聊天向她展示日落美景。 It ends with him playing the ukulele for a woman and showing her the sunset through a video chat. 作为初学者,她钢琴弹奏得相当不错了。 She plays the piano well enough for a beginner. 甚至在你开始弹奏之前,这个硬化僵直的位置也将导致前臂严重的绷紧张力。 This stiff, rigid position will cause severe tension in the forearm even before you play a single note. 即使是天才钢琴家也无法开始弹奏整首曲子, Even talented pianists cannot start playing a whole song, 在其中一场演奏会上,他认识了安妮&一位弹奏低音提琴的康州金发美女。 And at one of those gigs, he met Ann& a pretty blonde from Connecticut who played bass. 你弹奏的优美的钢琴曲激发了我的灵感。 You inspired me by playing the piano so beautifully. 弹奏音乐器械上不同的音符(或连续的音符)时手指放置的位置。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/221587f05df7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969f4.html