开学的第一天,久别重逢,大家都不忘告诉好友自己在寒假中的乐事。我班同学一见面,就像麻雀似的滔滔不绝地谈论起寒假趣事。 The first day of school, do not forget to tell you after being apart a long time, in the winter, the joy of their friends. I met a classmate, like the sparrow like off the reel talk about my winter vacation. 讨论最多的还是寒假中的第一场雪。鹅毛般的大雪从空中飘落下来的情景,我们至今仍历历在目。我首先对大家说:“我家的那只小狗见下雪,特别高兴,它在草堆旁边滚来滚去,真是‘快活似神仙’呀!我表弟去追它,没想到这小家伙一急,弄了个四脚朝天,浑身是雪。”陈阳立刻抢着说:“那天,我和姐姐堆了个大雪人。这雪人堆得可真像啊!连我家的‘小黑’见了,还对住它‘汪汪汪’地叫呢!可好景不长,雪人立刻成了‘无头鬼’。你知道为什么吗?我隔壁的小弟弟把头拿下来打雪仗。无奈之下,我只得又重做了一个头。可弟弟太淘气,他用棍子在雪人头上一撬,头又滚了下来,他跑上去,把它当球踢,弄得我哭笑不得。”“哈哈哈”,同学们的欢声笑语刹那间传向了四面八方。 The most talked about is the first snow in the winter vacation. Feather like snow falling from the sky down to the scene, we are still visible before the eyes. I was the first to say: "the dog of my home to see snow, very happy, it is to roll in the grass beside it is" happy "! My cousin to chase it, did not think this little guy is a nasty, get a fall, covered in snow." Chen Yang immediately said: "that day, my sister and I made a big snowman. It's a real snowman! Even my 'Black' saw, also it "bark" is called! Can immediately become a "good times don't last long, a headless ghost.". Do you know why? My next little brother head off a snowball fight. Helpless, I had to redo a head. But my brother was too naughty, he used a stick in the snowman on the head to pry the head down, he ran up, put it when the ball, make me laugh and cry." "Ha ha ha", students of laughter suddenly came to from all sides. 当然,我们的快乐记忆还不止于此呢!陈晨争上前,喜盈盈地说:“初二晚上,我和我家那些小亲戚们举杯高歌,上海的小表弟别出心裁,提议成语接龙。他还规定,谁接不上来就罚一杯‘可乐’。我对表妹佩服得五体投地,我可被她害惨了,喝的可乐数不胜数,肚子一晚都是‘咕噜咕噜’的。尽管如此,我仍然觉得这是一件开心的事。” Of course, our happy memories are more than that! Chen Chen struggle forward, is to say: "the second night, I and my little relatives to sing, Shanghai cousin create new styles, offer. He also provides, who can not pick up a cup of 'cola'. My cousin was blown away, I could be her up, drink cola belly all night is beyond count, "grunt". Nevertheless, I still think it is a happy thing." 宋春霞在一旁也不甘示弱,她一本正经地说:“我清楚地记得,去年过春节,可以说是冷冷清清。就拿放鞭炮来说吧,去年断断续续放了一阵子,焰火几乎看不见。今年就大不相同了,从大年三十晚上开始,一直响到初一早上8点左右才勉强结束,就像妈妈在锅里炒瓜子,劈劈啪啪响个不停。焰火更是五花八门,到处都是。”马济立即插上了话题:“这不说明老百姓的口袋鼓起来了吗!” Song Chunxia on the side also said: she poker-faced not resigned to playing second fiddle, "I clearly remember that last year the Spring Festival, can be said to be desolate. Just put it on and off firecrackers, fireworks last year put for a while, almost invisible. This is not the same, from the beginning on the thirty night, until early morning around 8 was barely over, like mother fried melon seeds in the pot, began ringing. Fireworks are all sorts of things." Ma Ji immediately inserted the topic: this does not mean that people's pockets bulging up!" 我们第一次见面,大家都美滋滋地介绍着自己的所见所闻。大家谈的由于都是亲身经历,因此,给人的感觉是有滋有味。 The first time we met, we are flattered to introduce his own what one sees and hears. We are talking about because of personal experience, therefore, to give the impression that there is a taste. 明年的这个时候,我们能不能再聚在一起,共同漫谈自己寒假的快乐呢? This time next year, we can not be together, together on their happy winter vacation? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2252fc632a160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52a9d6d.html