
时间:2022-05-30 17:01:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



节的英语作文_1篇:The Lantern Festival is our traditional festival, is also the last day of the lunar New Year, the fifteenth day of the lantern, on this day, people will eat yuanxiao, go to the flower market, to admire the lanterns, fireworks, guess riddles, dragon dance lion dance, the best blessing to the spring.We just finished eating a family reunion dinner, dad said to take me to see lanterns, I am very happy. Early in the evening, the moon is up in the sky. A few stars naughty to blink my eyes. The silvery moon around lanterns with me together. Our family with the boisterous crowd to flower market.

“Little fish is I know dad around the neck, she glo-sticks in hand, on the head with a red ox horn, dressed in a red coat. With a happy smile on his face.Streets, everywhere decorated, all kinds of electronic lanterns, can call a person too many things to see, as the waves of sound XuanSheng, two dragons, cross flying among the crowd.At this moment, a few loud bangs, beautiful fireworks barrage in the open

air, some like a chrysanthemum, some like the snow in June, some like the stars of the sky, there are like colorful flowers.Night, admire the lanterns people face is permeated with satisfaction, happiness,

cozy look left.元宵节是我国传统佳节,也是过年的最后一天,正月十五闹花灯,每到这一天,人们都会以吃元宵、逛花市、赏花灯、观礼花、猜灯谜,舞龙舞狮,来寄托对春天最美好的祝福。我们一家刚吃完团圆饭,爸就说带我去看花灯,我非常的高兴。傍晚,一轮明月已早早的升上了天空。几颗星星顽皮的向我眨眼睛。银白色的月儿随我一起逛花灯。我们一家随着热闹的人群来到花市。我认识的 “小鱼儿 ”被爸爸顶在脖子上,她手里拿着荧光棒,头上带着红牛角,穿着红色的外套。脸上带着开心的笑容。街道上,到处都张灯结彩,各式各样的电子花灯,简直叫人目不暇接,随着一阵阵锣鼓喧声,两条蛟龙,在人群中间交叉飞舞。这时,几声巨响,美丽的礼花接

二连三地在空中开放,有的像菊花,有的像六月的雪,有的像满天的星辰,还有的像七彩的花朵。夜深了,赏花灯的人们脸上都洋溢着满足,幸福,惬意的神情离开了。元宵节的英语作文_2篇:Ushered in the annual “Lantern Festival “. To celebrate

“yuanxiao “ fireworks are popular all over the country, yuanxiao is not exceptional also this year, dad bought me a $one hundred worth

of fireworks, this can be more one hundred yuan to buy fireworks, there “kongmin light to illuminate my future way! “That night, people are two value of 25 yuan

“all over the sky star, “ there are two boxes of “fluorescence line “, there is a row of “bee “, also have three packs of

“small rocket “, and...The night of the Lantern Festival, the streets here, flowing, crowded packed; Smoke in the sky, colorful. Look at everyone with fireworks, I also can ‘t wait to come up with a

“baby “, lit it fuses, soon see fireworks fly into the air blast scattered pieces of colorful flowers, cheering people around

“wow! How nice! At this time I feel very proud.Then, more and more people, the more excited I picked up the “small rocket “, only to hear

“sou “ with a straight at the clouds take, 1 of “boom “ is falling down.All of a sudden, a light

“kongmin light “ slowly up to you and the people around you are continuously suspected with the lamp, seems to be the heart pray:

gradually dispersed in the streets, and I also with my father and mother went home.一年一度的 “元宵节 ”又迎来了。为了庆祝 “元宵 全国各地的人都流行放烟花,今年的元宵也不例外,爸爸给我买了一百元的烟花,这一百元买到的烟花可多了,其中有两个价值25元的 “满天星 ”,

还有两盒 “荧光线 ”,还有一排 “小蜜蜂 ”,也有三包 “小 ”,还 … …元宵节的夜晚,街道上人来人往,川流不息,拥挤得水泄不通;空中烟雾弥漫,五彩缤纷。看着大家放烟花,我也迫不及待地拿出一个 “满天星 ”,点着它的引线,很快看到烟花飞向空中炸开了一朵朵五颜六色的

花朵散开了,周围的人不断欢呼 “哇!好漂亮哦! ”此时我感到非常自豪。紧接着,人越来越多了,我更加兴奋得拿起了 “小 ”,只听见 “嗖 ”的

一声直冲云捎, “嘣 ”的一声就坠落下来。突然,一盏 “孔明灯 ”缓缓地向上飘去,周围的人都目不转睛的疑似着那盏灯,似乎内心都在祈祷: “孔明灯给我照亮前程吧! ”夜深了,街道上的人群渐渐地散开了,我也随着爸爸,妈妈回家了。
