“校园情侣”英语怎么说 摘要:谈恋爱不仅消耗时间与精力,还很费钱。来自北京的作家兼情感专家叶倾城建议,校园情侣们应主动留意自己的花销。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗? Relationships not only consume time and energy, but also money. Love doctor and Beijing-based author Ye Qingcheng recommends campus couples take an active role in keeping an eye on their spending. If you both believe some romantic experiences are indispensable, then you had better share the bills rather than letting the male carry the burden alone. Certainly, a more proactive way to solve the problem would be making money, not just saving money. Almost half of college students in love said they were doing part-time jobs to cover their expenditures, Yangtze Evening News reported. 谈恋爱不仅消耗时间与精力,还很费钱。来自北京的作家兼情感专家叶倾城建议,校园情侣们应主动留意自己的花销。 如果两人都觉得某些浪漫举动不可或缺,那么账单最好能分摊,不要让男生独自承担。 当然了,解决恋爱花销问题更主动的做法是去挣钱,而不仅仅是省钱。据《扬子晚报》报道,为了应付开销,谈恋爱的大学生中,有大约一半的人在做兼职。 【讲解】 文中的campus couple就是“校园情侣”的意思,其中campus是名词,指(大专院校的)校园、校区,如:Private automobiles are not allowed on campus.(大学校园不许私人汽车入内。),在美语中,也可表示“分校”,如:University of Washington-Seattle Campus (华盛顿大学西雅图分校) 最后一段中的expenditure是名词,意为“花费,开销”,如:household expenditures (家庭开支),cut down expenditure (削减费用) “校园情侣”英语怎么说 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/247da82bab114431b90d6c85ec3a87c240288af3.html