青岛崂山英语导游词 青岛崂山是一个著名的道教圣地,下面让我们一起来看看青岛崂山英语导游词!欢迎阅读 青岛崂山英语导游词 Checkerboard stone The checkerboard stone, as the name suggests, must be looks like the checkerboard that big or the checkerboard shape stone, but is located south the bright Daoist temple checkerboard stone, actually is a collection high, is steep, the danger, blames to a body high to hang on the high peak the peak. The cliff goes against slanting upwardly is stretching out, following is hanging, looks by far from the side, looks like a swimming diving platform very much, the crown slightly has sticks out is not actually smooth, the area approximately 60 square meters, may allow to seat guests five, 60 people. Under ten thousand ten feet, the strange stone stand in great numbers under, if bends down to look the dizzy god to startle, soul-stirring. The checkerboard stone name origin, the source spreads already the long myth fable to a piece of locality.Very before long time, Yang Kouwan the bank tune village has youth woodcutter to climb mountains chops firewood. He more walks far, more crawls high, saw on Shi Yading has two white hairs old people to play chess front, then steps onto watches, looked was fascinated, cannot bear also must say several. The old person does not speak, only faces his gentle smiling. He absent minded thought tree a while has been green, a while yellow, also has not cared about. Under a game of chess, two old people have faced him to smile then flutter however go, he only then remembered should cut firewood. Who knows turns head as soon as looked that, the shoulder pole and the axe handle is already decayed, the axe has also become the hard lump, he has to descend a mountain returns to in the village. But, in the village the scenery all must, all people all did not know. He is extremely strange, several passes through inquired, only then understood two old people which oneself climbs mountains chops firewood when saw is the deity, he in looked chess time, in the world crossed for several hundred years. Thereupon, he meets the person to say own experience, but nobody believes him, he has to walk to the remote mountain. As for the summit on "ten" the character, the fable is immortal has used a checkerboard, but the taoist priests all said the symbol which that is Taoism builds up when merit refers fights. How does the character is appear? The ancient passed, the deity trace, has remained for the posterity is only a riddle which cannot untie. 青岛市崂山区概述 崂山区位于青岛市区东部,与老市区相邻,东南濒临黄海,总面积389.34平方公里,人口19.14万,青岛市崂山区人民政府、青岛高新技术产业开发区管理委员会、青岛石老人国家旅游度假区和崂山风景区管理委员会,实行“四块牌子,一套工作机构的管理体制”。辖设中韩、沙子口、王哥庄、北宅4个街道办事处。 崂山区拥有青岛高新技术产业开发区、青岛石老人国家旅游度假区两个国家级政策开发区域和国务院确定的首批重点风景名胜区之一的崂山风景区。这里贯彻落实国家可持续发展战略和环境保护,增加环保投入,实施碧水工程、蓝天工程、绿色工程等系列环保工程,科技部确定为国家持续高效农业技术研究与示范区,这里成为了一个环境良好、资源合理利用、生态良性循环、城市优美洁净、居民健康长寿的理想之地。 崂山区以境内的`崂山而命名,其山脉纵横,群峰峭立,古木参天,海山相映,有九宫八观七十二庵等名胜古迹,被誉为“海上名山第一”,崂山历史悠久,早在新石器时代就有人类在此居住。崂山冬暖夏凉、四季如春,引得古今名人逸士、名道高僧纷至沓来,故被称为“道教全真天下第二丛林”。一九八二年被国务院确定为首批国家重点风景名胜区。 崂山区海岸线绵延曲折,长达103.7平方公里,盛产对虾、海参、鲍鱼、扇贝、石花菜等海产品并形成了以裙带菜、中华鲟、淡水蟹、甲鱼等名特优品种为主的高效渔业。现拥有大型国家级群体性渔港1处,小型渔港12处。崂山物产资源丰富,其中崂山矿泉水,崂山花岗岩和崂山茶尤为著名。 崂山区坚持以经济高效型、人才集聚型、旅游度假型、环境生态型等“四型城区”为建设方向,高质量推进城市化进程,尽快树立青岛东部新城区的形象。2005年,城市基础设施投资累计达11.30亿多元,固定资产投资完成72.66亿元。在产业区形成了比较完善的道路、供排水、电力、供热、供气等基础设施网络。在行政中心区建成了世纪广场、青岛市体育中心、青岛大学医学院附属医院、市文化博览中心、新青岛医学院、省国际会展中心等一大批大型公益设施,成为青岛市建设的标志性工程。另外,建成了青岛新二中、国际学校、高级职业学校、世纪广场、会展中心广场。城区文化、教育、休闲、卫生等综合服务功能逐渐增强,发展硬环境不断完善,东海路、香港东路的绿化亮化基本完成,城市形象大大提升。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/24d8955c1837f111f18583d049649b6649d709c8.html