亲爱的外公: Dear Grandpa: 您好!我现在已是一名中学生,不需要再让父母操心了。初中生活虽比小学生活更苦更累,但是初中的许多新同学陪着我一起欢乐成长,让这个平淡无趣的初中生活充满了无限彩。 Hello!Now that I am a middle school student, I don't need to worry about my parents any more.Although junior high school life is more bitter and tiring than primary school life, many new students in junior high school accompanied me to grow up happily, making this dull junior high school life full of infinite color. 上了初中,我对您的思念更深了。当我为一件鸡毛蒜皮的事而痛哭流涕时,您会想尽办法哄我开心:当我在学业的途径上跌倒时,您会第一时间出现在我眼前,耐心的指导我;当我调皮任性的时候,您会用您那宽大的胸怀包容我,教育我,感化我。 In junior high school, I miss you more.When I cry over a trivial matter, you will try your best to make me happy: when I fall down on the way to study, you will appear in front of my eyes for the first time and guide me patiently;When I am naughty and capricious, you will embrace me with your broad mind, educate me and influence me. 您可记得,那天放学的中午,我像往常一样,独自一人回家。走到校门口,正准备打车回家,我的一个同学说走路回去,我经不住她的软磨硬泡,只好答应了她的请求。一路上,我不时被新奇的事物所吸引,时间一分一秒的过去了,我好不容易回到了家,可外公您却担心我有什么事,冒着烈日去外面找我,顿时我心里有点内疚,正在这时家里门铃响了,我忙着去开门,外公回来了,当我看见是您的时候,心想:糟了,这次肯定又要被您批,可有一场暴风雨来临。 Do you remember that day at noon after school, I went home alone as usual.When I walked to the school gate, I was preparing to take a taxi home. One of my classmates said that walking back, I couldn't resist her softness and hardness, so I had to agree to her request.Along the way, I was attracted by strange things from time to time. As the time went by, I finally got home. However, grandpa, you were worried about what was happening to me and went outside to look for me in the hot sun. Suddenly, I felt a little guilty. Just then the doorbell rang at home. I was busy to open the door. Grandpa came back. When I saw it was you, I thought: Oh, no, this time it must be approved by you again, but there was a storm coming. “你去哪儿了?”“我……噢!我的钱,钱丢了,没钱打车,所以……”“没事儿就好,没事儿就好。” "Where have you been?""I ... oh!My money, money lost, no money to take a taxi, so ... ""It's okay, it's okay. " 那是我第一次向您撒谎,试一次单纯、善意的谎言。虽然您没有责骂我,但我的心里仍过意不去,在此向您道歉!我想,等以后我有钱了,一定要带您和外婆去全国各地旅游,让您和外婆过上幸福安康的生活。这是我能做到的,一定能做到的! It was the first time I lied to you, and I tried a simple and white lie.Although you didn't scold me, my heart is still very sorry, and I apologize to you!I think, after I have money, I must take you and your grandmother to travel all over the country so that you and your grandmother can live a happy and healthy life.This is what I can do, I will do it! 在学习上我遇到过许多挫折,深受感触。比如一次语文考试,全班同学都没考好,我也不例外。我们的语文老师给我们上了整整一堂课,让我们写“听后感”,还在黑板上写了六个大字:吾日三省吾身。当时我就在想,班主任为我们这个班集体付出了太多,而我们却以这种成绩去回报她,是该好好反省自己了。 I have encountered many setbacks in my study and am deeply touched.For example, in a Chinese test, the whole class failed, and I was no exception.Our Chinese teacher gave us a whole lesson, let's write "feeling after listening", and also wrote six characters on the blackboard: I save myself three times a day.At that time, I was thinking that the head teacher had paid too much for our class, and we had to reflect on ourselves to repay her with this achievement. 功夫不负有心人。果然,在下一单元的测试中,全班同学的成绩明显上升,虽然我考的也不是很好,但遇上一次的相比,还是有所提高。我记不清在哪本书上曾看到过这样一段话:读书,能晓天下之大,知人生之难,有自知之明,有预料之先;不为苦而悲,不为宠而欢;寂寞时候不寂寞,孤单时候不孤单;所以绝权欲,弃浮华,潇洒达观于甚器尘世之上而自尊自重自强,而不卑不畏不谀。读书是如此重要,只要把书读好了,成功的机会才会多一些,发展更会大一些,人生的路会平坦些。常言道,知识改变命运,读书改变人生。读书无疑是为了自己,是为了今后幸福美满的生活,所以我一定把“要我学”变成“我要学”,像冰心奶奶一样,多读书,读好书。 Where there's a will, there's a way.Sure enough, in the next unit test, the scores of the whole class rose obviously. Although I did not do well in the test, I still improved a little compared with the one I met.I can't remember which book once saw a passage like this: reading, can understand the world, know the difficulties of life, have self-knowledge, have expectations first;Not sad for suffering, not happy for spoiling;Not lonely when lonely, not lonely when lonely;Therefore, we must abandon the desire for power, abandon ostentation, and be smart and philosophical. We should respect ourselves and strive for self-improvement. We should not be humble but not disdainful.Reading is so important that as long as you read it well, you will have more chances of success, greater development and a smoother life.As the saying goes, knowledge changes fate, and reading changes life.No doubt, reading is for myself and for a happy life in the future. Therefore, I must change "I want to learn" into "I want to learn". Like Grandma Bingxin, I must read more and better. 祝身体健康,万事如意! I wish you good health and all the best. 此致 with the best wishes 敬礼您的外孙女:王英姿 Salute your granddaughter: Wang Yingzi 2014年2月11日 February 11, 2014 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/265aa3f9940590c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ed4ea.html