
时间:2022-12-22 01:02:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Spring is ing, and the weather is getting warmer. 一天,爷爷和我一起去放风筝。我看见了很多的风筝,那里有鱼风筝、足球风筝,还有五彩风筝。我和爷爷带的是蓝猫风筝,我拿着线爷爷拿着风筝,第一次没有放飞起来,第二次还是没有放飞起来,第三次终于飞起来了,我高兴极了,我拚命地跑着,想让风筝飞得更高,突然风筝被电杆缠住了,我特别着急,心想这该怎么办呢?这时爷爷找了一根长棍子把风筝取下来了,我高兴急了,风筝又回到了我的手里,我拿着风筝和爷爷高高兴兴地回家了。

One day, Grandpa and I went flying kites together. I saw a lot of kites. There are fish kites, football kites and colorful kites. My grandfather and I took the blue cat kite. I took the string and grandpa took the kite. The first time I didnt fly it, the second time I didnt fly it, the third time I finally flew it. I was so happy. I ran desperately to make the kite fly higher. Suddenly the kite was caught by the pole. I was very worried. I thought what should I do? At this time, Grandpa found a long stick and took the kite down. I was very happy and worried. The kite came back to me. I took the kite and grandpa and went home happily.
