
时间:2022-03-19 11:07:09 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should leave family and live with friends or relatives for a short period of time.

T2: Do you agree or disagree that young children should leave home to stay with relatives and friends for a short period of time? 提问方式比较新颖,大家拿到题可能会有点蒙,但仔细一想跟平时练习的社交类的`题差不多,亲戚家有人,可以锻炼与人交流的能力。跟爸妈在一起比较骄纵,多跟亲戚朋友走动可以变的更独立。


I believe it is good for children to stay with their relatives and friends for a short period of time because. For one thing, it is a good chance to let children live independently, most kids now are live in a nuclear family so they are sometimes boiled by parents and some of them are quite selfish and inconsiderate. I think staying with their relatives and friends will help them to know how to associate with

others and how to take care with others. I still remember when I was in the primary school, I spent a whole summer break in my grand parents’ home because my parents were so busy. During that period of time, I learnt to take care of myself and tried to be independent. I found myself more mature after that summer.


I agree with the statement. Coz leaving home for a short period of time offers a great chance for young children to live independently, to observe the world in a different perspective and disengage themselves from their loving parents, who might spoil them unconsciously. Like when I was ten years old, I was sent to live with my uncle and aunt for one semester, coz my parents were really busy then and my uncle’s house was located much closer to my school. It was during that period of time, I learnt to rely on myself to take care of myself, like how to comb my hair, sort out my clothing and stationery, and budget my allowance.


Personally, I would say it is a good idea for kids to leave

their families for a short time period. First off, they can learn how to budget their expenses and try to make ends meet. Actually, it can very valuable in the future when they have to pay college tuition, buy textbooks and cover different kinds of living expenses. Additionally, they can develop other useful skills, like washing dishes, vacuuming the floor, doing laundry, doing groceryor even walking the dog and stuff like that. These skills will help them to rely on themselves when they go to college far away from home.
