我的爷爷是工人用英语写作文 我的爷爷 My Grandfather I have a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty years old, his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. He often goes to do exercise, so many people ask him about Opera. He has a nice wife that is my grandmother. Grandfather is a good husband, and also is my good grandfather. His favorite color is red, because he thinks red stands for joyousness. I love my grandfather forever. 我有一个好爷爷,他八十岁了。虽然他已经八十岁了,但是他的身体很好。他喜欢听京剧,他经常去锻炼,所以很多人会去问他些这方面的东西。他有一个好妻子,就是我的奶奶。他是个好丈夫,也是我的好爷爷。他最喜欢的颜色是红色,因为他觉得红色代表喜庆。我永远爱我的爷爷。 我的爷爷是个退休工人。 英文:My grandfather is a retired worker. 爷爷 英文:(祖父) grandfather; (与祖父同辈的男子) grandpa; granddad; grandpapa [电影]The Grandfather; 退休 英文:retire; hang up one's spikes ; 工人 英文:worker; workman; wright; factory-hand labour ; I have a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty years old, his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. He often goes to do exercise, so many people ask him about Opera. He has a nice wife that is my grandmother. Grandfather is a good husband, and also is my good grandfather. His favorite color is red, because he thinks red stands for joyousness. I love my grandfather forever.。 小时候,祖父在我脑海中的形象并不清晰。我从小是在姥姥家长大的,只是在重大的节日才到祖父家去,就是在那儿呆个一天半天,也总是和表哥表姐在一起,很少有机会接触他。关于他的一些事大都是母亲说的关于他如何对我们不好的。 也正是因此,祖父在儿时的我的心目中留下了这样的印象:高高瘦瘦的个子,眼窝深陷,说话严厉而没有分寸,还有些吝啬——尤其是对我们家。 前些日子,爸爸督促我到祖父家去一次,看看他,顺便汇报一下上学期期末考试的成绩。临出门时我想起了从崂山特意买回来的干海马,据说用它来泡酒不错,可是我实在想不出有什么亲戚喝酒,干脆给祖父拿着吧。 我边走边想,这点东西还不值十块钱,就这么送人未免太寒掺了吧,况且还是给他,要不……一直走到祖父家门口也没法决定怎么处理那些海马。我转念一想反正也拿来了,不如就送给他吧。 一走进,看见祖父穿了一件白色的短袖衫,背稍稍有点弯,身子显得很单薄。看到是我,他多少有点惊讶——我很少到他家去,的尤其是独自一人。当我说明来意并把海马送给他时,他爬满皱纹的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容。只见他用手拿起一只海马,小心地摆弄着,好像从未见过似的。最后,把它们包起来放进了书桌的抽屉,说:“谢谢你的心意,真难得你在外地还能想着我……” 然后,我跟着他来到他的卧室。这是一间十多平方米的屋子,摆设很简单最北边是一个大衣橱旁边是一张擦得干干净净的写字台,上面放着一本打开的《老干部之家》。靠着写字台是一张双人床,床上只有一个枕头,我不禁想起了祖母已经去世三年多了。 祖父详细的询问了我各科的成绩,并仔细的记在一张日历上,还与大我一级的表哥的成绩作了对比。他分析我的各科成绩,并强调说:“语文和英语的学习尤为重要,学好了使你受用一生。我当时就没学好语文,结果在后来的工作中遇到了很多不便。”最后还说:“不要因为一次考不好而气馁,要好好总结经验,尽自己最大的努力……”虽说听的时候并不十分在意,但后来想想他的话都是很有道理的。 后来,我们又闲聊了一段时间,内容主要是他所关心的保健方面,他的许多话都表现出他渊博的知识,而我也渐渐感到,祖父并不难接近。 回家路上,我不禁想起,祖父毕竟是祖父啊!今后我应该多去看望他。 my grandpa my grandpa, an old man who has experienced the sufferings of the bygones. Years of thrifty life has helped him develop a habit of preserving everything, everything he thinks is useful. He tries to fit them into some places. Surprisingly, these "junk" can always find their position and function fairly well,holding small things, bolstering a wooden structure on which plants can grow, optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better。 But sometimes, some of these things are nasty. Grandpa also collects used clothes and socks. I seldom see him wearing new ones unless on an unusual occasion. When he is given some fashionable apparel, he will lay them in lethargy. And grandma is 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/28dd6354eb7101f69e3143323968011ca300f7bd.html