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推荐信的英语说法1 recommendation 推荐信的英语说法2 letters of recommendation 推荐信相关英语表达:

一封推荐信 A Recommendation Letter 两封推荐信 Two Letters of Recommendation 自我推荐信 Self-recommendation letter 导师推荐信supervisor's recommendation 推荐信的英语例句:

1. Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th.


2. I wrote him a good recommendation. 我为他写了一封很好的推荐信.

3. He wrote a reference for him, describing his reliability and trustworthiness as "above questioning".


4. I'll take the application and letter tomorrow when I come in.


5. The boy looking for a job has testimonials from his teachers and former employers.


6. He seated himself at a table in order to write the letter of recommendation.


7. But didn't you read my business plan or my letters of recommendation?


8. And after that, you ask your teacher for some letter of recommendation.

然后, 你请你的老师写几封推荐信.

9. Your teacher or boss will write a letter describing your good qualities.

你的老师或前任老板会写一封推荐信,描述你的优点. 10. He is asked to write a letter of recommendation. 有人请他写推荐信.

11. Molly: Great, then will you write a letter of recommendation for me?

莫莉: 太好了, 那你会给我写一封推荐信?

12. I enclose a resume, and letters of reference are available upon request.

本人特致函申请,随函还附上了本人简历.推荐信一旦贵公司要求, 本人马上提供.

13. I would be happy to write a letter of recommendation for you.


14. Lily: Sounds pretty good. I'll give you a recommendation. 莉莉: 听起来不错. 我会给你写封推荐信.

15. Gordon Of course, they wanted tons of essays and letters of recommendation.

戈登:当然, 他们要很多论文和推荐信.
