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签证面试时可能会遇到情景对话,那么会问些什么问题呢?一起来看看! AHi. Today, I am the interviewer for your visa application. 你好。今天我负责对你的签证申请进行面试。

BOK. Here is my application form and all the documents. 好的,这是我的申请表和申请资料。

ACan you tell me why do you want a visa to America? 能告诉我你为什么想要申请美国的签证吗?

BBecause I want to have a view of the exotic landscapes to extend my views and understanding of the world.


AOK. Do you plan to go to America all by yourself or with your family?

好的,你打算自己去还是和家人一起去呢? BMyself. 我打算一个人去。

AHave you finished all you preparation? 那你对你的行程都准备好了吗? BYes. Everything is ready. 是的,都准备好了。

It’s the most feared question during any job interview: Can you tell me about yourself? Before I share a list of 10 memorable answers, consider the two essential elements behind the answers:


The medium is the message. The interviewer cares less about your answer to this question and more about the confidence, enthusiasm and passion with which you answer it. The speed of the response is the response. The biggest mistake you could make is pausing, stalling or fumbling at the onset of your answer, thus demonstrating a lack of self-awareness and self-esteem.



“I can summarize who I am in three words.” Grabs their

attention immediately. Demonstrates your ability to be concise, creative and compelling.


“The quotation I live my life by is…” Proves that personal development is an essential part of your growth plan. Also shows your ability to motivate yourself.


“My personal philosophy is…” Companies hire athletes – not shortstops. This line indicates your position as a thinker, not just an employee.


“People who know me best say that I’m…” This response offers insight into your own level of self-awareness.

“今早我百度了一下自己的名字,结果发现了这个….. ”

“Well, I googled myself this morning, and here’s what I found…” Tech-savvy, fun, cool people would say this. Unexpected and memorable.

