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what time [hwɔt taim] [hwɑt taɪm]

现在几点 What time is it now 几点放学 What time is class over 几点回来 what time will you come back 几点休息 when is your coffee break 几点关门 When will the shop close

1. I phoned my mother to ask what time she was coming home.


2. Hey, look at the time! We'll talk about it tonight. All right? 嘿,看看都几点啦?咱们晚上再讨论,好不好?

3. "What about Sunday evening at Frank's?" "Sure. What time?"

“周日晚上在弗兰克家怎么样?”——“好啊,几点?” 4. What time do you surface? 你几点钟会醒?

5. What time are you getting your train? 你赶几点的火车?

6. He asked me the time. 他问我几点了。

7. "What time d'you make it?" "Thirteen past." “你的表几点?”——“整点过13分钟。” 8. "What time is it?" "Eight o'clock."


9. What time do you usually wake up in the morning? 通常你早晨几点钟醒?

10. When do you check on for your night shift? 你几点钟上晚班?

11. Excuse me, but could you tell me the time? 对不起, 请问现在几点了?
