
时间:2022-04-17 16:07:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



There are many kinds of love, there is only one kind of love is selfless, is eternal. Thats love for her child, without a mother pregnant in October the hardships, we cant live in this world, no mother, we may not be healthy and happy worry-free growth. 母亲的爱是永久不会枯竭的,也正是这份爱才让我们有了成长的力气和飞行的翅膀。有一首歌是这样唱的:“没有天哪有地,没有第哪有家,没有家哪有你,没有你哪有我,假设你不曾哺育我,给我暖和的生活,假设你不曾爱护我,我的命运将会是什么,是你抚养我长大,对我说第一句话,是你给我一个家,让我与你共同拥有它……

A mothers love is never exhausted, is also the Anagen we have the power of growth and the wings to fly. There is a song to sing: which have the land without the day, not a what is a home, no home where have you, without you I would have, if you dont have to raise me, give me the warmth of life, if you dont have to protect me, what my destiny will be, you are raising I grew up, said the first

words to me, is you give me a home, let me share with you own it...... 亲爱的妈妈,在我们光鲜今日的背后,你悄悄付出了多少,假设没有你,我的人生将会是什么样子,从不曾当面对你表达过感谢和感动。但在内心里,家就是让我想起暖和而塌实的地方,不管身在何处,妈妈,你永久是无私地关爱支持我却不曾期望回报的人,然而现在我无以为报,只能永存一颗感恩的心为她祈祷安康平安!

Dear mother, we dressed in todays behind, you pay how much, if without you, my life will be like, never when you express gratitude and moved. But at heart, home is reminds me of a warm and dependable place, wherever you are, mom, you always selfless care support I never expected return, but now I thought that was not, can only live a grateful heart to pray for her health and peace!
