
时间:2022-06-11 23:42:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


端午节迈着轻快的步子来到我们家。记得前几天,妈妈就说过端午节时,我们一起吃粽子,说时,那粽子的香味就迎面扑向我来。 The Dragon Boat Festival comes to our home with a brisk pace.. I remember a few days ago, mother said that the Dragon Boat Festival. We eat dumplings together Huatong, the smell of the dumplings on the face toward me.


I saw a big morning, the drizzle, as if the expression of their love for the Dragon Boat Festival. Suddenly, the rain stopped, to help us clean the world, so that we greet the happy Dragon Boat Festival. My mother came out from the kitchen, holding some leaves and wrap the material on the table. I saw her, holding a hand leaves, mung bean, pork? Inside?. Suddenly, she smiled and said "we might as well do some sweet dumplings. Then, put a coin in a rice dumpling.. Who eats this sweet rice dumpling, today can make a wish." Then, we all applauded, but, everyone put on airs said "this is a sweet dumplings I ate."



Soon, a section of the rice dumplings do a good job. As the rice dumplings came out, we thought the bees were like the table.. Then, contemplate, touched it, and touched it. I'm scratching his head, his eyes staring at the table One's pupils do not turn. dumplings, finally, took one of the biggest. I started to eat up the wolf swallowed bitter

pharynx, and I finished, the coin did not see the shadow of years. Suddenly the "ah! The coin is in me!" we look, the

baby is in the father's hand.. Dad hurriedly hand to flick to, and then, hands up to start wishing said "I hope that our family can every day health, happy every day." Suddenly, there was a loud cheering, we were immersed in cheers...... 端午节,爸爸为我们全家许下了一个愿望。这个愿望将会一直藏在我们每一个人的心中。在以后,我一定会为爸爸给我们的愿望而奋斗。

The Dragon Boat Festival, dad for our family made a wish. This wish will be hidden in the hearts of all of us. In the future, I will give our father to the aspirations and struggle.
