
时间:2022-06-11 23:42:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


自从端午节那天从姥姥家回来之后,我的嘴角一直含着一缕笑意。妈妈问我在笑什么,我在笑什么呢?这得从端午节那天的经历说起。 Since the day of the Dragon Boat Festival from Grandma's back, my mouth with a ray of smile. My mother asked me what I was laughing, what was I laughing? It was from the experience of the Dragon Boat Festival..


The day of the Dragon Boat Festival in the mother under, I pull a face to grandma's house. Grandma's house in a small village. I used to hate the most go there, because the road leading to the village is a loess, locomotive speed driving in the past, the deluge of loess fall full of hair, bad luck also eat a mouth of the dust. Rainy days muddy more needless to say. The village after the old lady put a small bench to sit together on the teeth (chat). The size of the group sitting together playing cards, playing mahjong. The whole village has given people the feeling is poor, lazy, idle. The Dragon Boat Festival especially so. This idea is rooted in my mind. Get off to the village, I have my hair wrapped with a scarf, be ready waiting for Loess attack.


Which would like to see the face of a wide road of

asphalt. On both sides of the road stands a unique style of the street, like a little girl and meet the guest. I rubbed my eyes in the dream is still suspected. My mother smiled and pulled me into the village. After entering the village catches the eye is a row of the brick of new rural

reconstruction, Zhu red glazed tile in the sun flashing brilliance of heady. The village head has a small square, some sports equipment donated by the national roots here. The exclusion of teeth, wearing pants in children accompanied by family happy swing. A group of white haired old man with a fan in the hand in a style of playing Tai Chi. A sunny, healthy, thriving the breath.


Suddenly heard someone call me, I turn back to see my cousin. As he said to me, "I'm going to take you to a good

place."." Follow cousin came to a bright and spacious courtyard, the entrance to the courtyard written "green library, went to see a children's story books, science and technology books teach farmers, planting. Faces shining with wisdom. The cousin introduced know, originally this bookstore is a program in countries in building a new countryside, every village has such a bookstore.

到姥姥家门口,只见姥姥拄着拐杖,手里拿着绿本子。我问姥姥干嘛去,姥姥说这两天腿疼病又犯了,去诊所领药。我赶忙扶着姥姥一同去。这个不说我也知道,是惠及中国所有农村的医保带来的。 To the grandmother's house, I saw her on crutches, holding the green book. I asked the grandmother why go,

grandma said the two days of leg pain and sick, to the clinic to take medicine. I hurried to my grandma and went to. This does not say that I also know that the benefit of health insurance for all rural China.


Finally, a happy Dragon Boat Festival in grandma's home. I want to go back home, a small village, the living standards of the people is not a reflection of the whole of China's gradually prosperous, thriving color. The state introduced a series of policies to improve and protect the livelihood of the people. In this hope that the Greater China tomorrow.
