寒门再难出贵子? “做了15年老师我想告诉大家,这个时代寒门再难出贵子!”一名教师在网上发帖称,现在成绩好的孩子越来越偏向富裕家庭,在网上引起热议。发帖网友linyang2000是一所中学老师,他称,近几年学校里的中高考状元,基本家里条件都很好。反观我们小时候读书,成绩好和家庭条件基本成反比。班上同学读书好的,家里都很穷。现在的尖子生,除了家庭教养外,父母都舍得花钱,送各种培训班,甚至请私人家教,成绩都是钱堆出来的。 如今,50后、60后一说家史,都离不开“农村苦孩子”这个关键词;70后、80后农村孩子进城工作、创业,创造“凤凰男”新名词;为何90后、00后会遭遇“寒门难出贵子”的尴尬,难道寒门真的难出“贵子”了吗?20年前“寒门出贵子”,20年后“寒门难出贵子”,造成这种转变的原因是什么? Do you agree with the teacher's opinion that it's too difficult for students from poor and humble families to become outstanding? Compared with children from wealthy families, do those from poor families have any advantage? DIY one topic as you like, but do stick to the theme. To tell the truth, I cannot make sure that those children from poor families will have no promising future, but it must be admitted that they have been inferior to those from wealthy families since they were born in the world. These inferiority can be reflected in many aspects, such as the unequal access to highly technical equipment and the totally different circles of friends. I have no idea if these poor children have any advantage over those well-born children. There's no doubt that I hold the pessimistic attitude towards their future, even though some of them could also succeed through their hardworking. However, for well-born children, this kind of success is so easy to achieve. Most of Chinese people have a deep hatred of the wealthy, but it's sarcastic that everyone of us wants to be a millionaire. Just like the words of the teacher, these poor children have already lost at the starting line. If they want to catch up with well-born children, they must take much greater efforts, let alone surpassing those princesses or princes. Even though I do not want to admit the idea that students from poor families are not easy to be succeed, in reality, the truth is it. Compared with those well-born children, except multifold effort, I can not find out any way that the poor children can exceed wealthy children. Children from rich families have a large amount of resources have privilege to choose any high-paid continuation classes they want, do not have to worry about the tuition, make friends with those who possess same family background, get higher education and learn more important knowledge in advance. As they can not stand at same starting line, poor children have no choice but to study harder, work harder, or they don’t have any advantage to live better life than well-born children. I don't absolutely agree the teacher's opinion about poor students and wealthy students. For wealthy students, they owned a large of resources.It can be understood that they have more opportunities. On the opposite, poor students have nothing excluding diligence. They have no choices but work hard in order to create chances. So to some extent, they will more cherish the given chances from others and become expert in one area. Well-born children have more choices by their interest in developed technology today. Their success seems more relaxing. Regarding different people who is standing in different starting line, their achievements are judged by each class-tier even though poor-born children are inferior. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2e230e7ccfc789eb172dc87f.html