关于社会 理想社会等多篇英语口语对话

时间:2022-03-19 20:37:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


L: Hi, Xiao xi, its Janys birthday tomorrow. What gift do you prepare for her? Z: Certainly, maybe we can buy a delicate camera for her.

L: Thats a good idea, she must like it. Now, lets go for a look in the electronic emporium. Z: Ok, lets go.

L: Oh, how plentiful kinds of camera in the counters!

Z: Look, CANON, this is always advertising in some magazines and TV home shopping. I have heard of it thousands of times.

L: Yes, some of my friends are using it. Its brand is famous. But I have got no interested in the advertising.

Z: Why, some advertising will give references about the products indeed. L: Because I often heart that some of my friends complain the qualities of the famous brands.

Z: Yes, sometimes the advertising will mislead us, but some old brands have quality assurance indeed.

L: But I am often mislead by products that I have seen or read about.

Z: OK, lets see the next brand KODAK, its also a common brand which isnt produced by Japanese.

L: I think we should ask Jany what kind brand does she like. Z: Ok, it is a good idea.


L: Hi, Xiao xi, its time to have lunch, lets go.

Z: Ok, lets go, Bao jun, how long have you learning in this university. L: it is about one year.

Z: Have you been customed to the diet of south? L: Just so so.

Z: It sounds that you are terrible!



L: Yes, It has been one year, but I have not been interested in the south diet. In north, we take the noodles as mind food, however the main food instead of which is rice in south every day .

Z: I have heard that there are some restaurants in our school which can provide noodles, you can have a try.

L: Yes, I have try, But it tastes not as good as my hometowns. It is tasteless in south. It is hard to imagine that the buns tastes sweat.

Z: Oh, I know, your north people prefer more taste. If I am in the north, I think I

will be sympathy with you.

L: But there are also some delicious, such as the fish, it is more fresh than


Z: Thank you, In one word, our life are often influenced by customs.


L: Hello, Xiao xi, what are some of the professions that you like to enter after


Z: It is quite obvious that every one of us will become a famous teacher.

L: Yes, a very famous teacher, I think I will be too. but it seems to me that you

have the ability to become a professor.

Z: Although I like this profession we are learning, but I just want to be a

secondary school teacher, because secondary school is important to every student in his life. Oh, I see you want to be a university teacher, is it not? L: Nothing! As far as I known, you must take your doctors degree before you

become a university teacher. But in my opinion a university teacher is more relaxed than a middle school teacher.

Z: Absolutely in such a competitive society, the occupation as a teacher means

more pressure and confusion than any other jobs, especially as a middle school teacher.

L: Tell you the truth, I will work for my doctor degree in five years after

graduation, even my ultimate objective is not for the academic.



Z: I think you can realize your ideal, after all every one wants to live a

comfortable life. L: Thank you!

Z: But in my opinion whether university teachers or middle school teachers, they all take the responsibility of culturing students! L: So our professions are all sacred. Z: Yes, we are all become famous teacher!


Z: Hello, Bao jun, you look so passive recently, whats wrong with you? L: Oh, how our society will become when it is rife with selfish and materials! Z: I know you are a sentimental guy, but recently indeed there are more and more events have occurred around us which are shocked our heart!

L: With the development of our society, people are more and more selfish and utility.

Z: Ok, let us talk about the subject of a good idea in your mind. L: I remember the Confucius have said that rich, popular, civilize . Z: Yes, I have heart that, but what is the relation with an ideal society.

L: After 30 years development, china has become a stronger country, it goes without saying that our population is NO.1 among all countries in the world! Z: So what we urgently need is the civilizing.

L: Right! The civilizing indeed is education, a good society should make sure everyone should receive higher education and be well cultivated.

Z: But, I think a good society should involved some more aspects not just what Confucius have said. L: For example?

Z: Such as a healthy legal system and medical system which can avoid many unnecessary problems.

L: Yes, you are right. But what we should do for created an ideal society? Z: As a teacher, what you will do? L: Yes, I have understood!

