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distant有遥远的; 冷漠的,冷淡的等意思,那么distant的近义词?distant用短有哪?下面为大distant的近义词辨析及常用短语,欢迎大家学习!

distant近义词: distant, far, remote distant近义词辨析:

这些形容词都含有"远的"之意。 distant 语意最强,强调距离。

far 除特殊情况外,侧重长距离。也可用作引申意义。 remote 侧重指离中心地有利的地方很远。 distant的常用短语: distant view 远景 distant place 远方 in the distant past 远古 distant cousin 远表兄妹 distant control 遥控 distant英语例句:

1. From somewhere distant he heard the clatter of a typewriter.


2. I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person. 我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。

3. The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous. 远处隆隆的雷声听着愈发惊心,要变天了。

4. Nine months later, those talks appear as distant as ever. 9个月以后,那些会谈似乎仍然遥遥无期。

5. On first acquaintance she is cool and slightly distant. 初次相见时她表现冷淡并有点爱搭不理。

6. The chirps of the small garden birds sounded distant. 远处传来庭园小鸟的鸣啭。

7. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery. 一阵面包的香味从远处的面包房飘来。

8. I was slightly afraid of their chilly distant politeness. 他们那种冷冰冰的、敬而远之的客套让我有点憷头。 9. They watched the sun set behind the distant dales. 他们望着夕阳没入远处的山谷。

10. The clamor of traffic has receded to a distant murmur. 车辆的喧闹声已渐渐远去,变得模糊起来。

11. She was silent for a moment, lips tight shut, eyes distant. 她沉默了一会儿,嘴唇紧闭,眼神茫然。 12. He found her cold, ice-like and distant. 他觉得她冷若冰霜,拒人于千里之外。

13. The distant thunder from the coast continued sporadically.


14. The distant object of his affections is Caroline. 他一厢情愿地爱慕卡罗琳。

15. Last summer'sdrought is a distant memory. 去年夏天的旱灾已成为遥远的记忆。
