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dirty有恶劣的; 肮脏的; 卑劣的; 下流的等意思,那么dirty的近义词都有哪些呢?dirty有哪些常用短语?下面店铺为大家带来dirty的近义词辨析及dirty的常用短语,欢迎大家学习!

dirty近义词: dirty, foul, nasty dirty近义词辨析:

这些形容词均有"脏的,污秽的"之意。 dirty 普通用词,泛指被玷污或弄脏。

foul 指由于腐烂、恶臭等造成的不干净,令人恶心。 nasty 主要指特别讲究清洁的人感到讨厌的东西。 dirty的常用短语: dirty water 脏水 dirty laundry 脏衣服 dirty air 污浊空气 dirty mark 污迹 dirty trick 卑鄙手段

dirty money 非法钱财;污损补贴余 dirty hands 肮脏的手 dirty的英语例句:

1. Michael gave him a dirty look and walked out. 迈克尔狠狠地瞪了他一眼然后走开了。

2. He'd put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket. 他会把自己的脏衣服扔进洗衣篮里。

3. They chased down the stairs into the narrow, dirty street. 他们冲下楼梯,来到狭窄、肮脏的街上。

4. Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper.


5. The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty marks.


6. So many people think feminism is a dirty word. 这么多人都认为女权主义是个龌龊的字眼。

7. She ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty. 她用手指梳了梳自己的长发,头发摸起来又油又脏。

8. Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters.


9. His hair was drifting about his shoulders like dirty snow. 他的头发像脏兮兮的雪一样披散在肩上。

10. Four candidates are slugging it out in a dirty campaign. 4名候选人将在一场肮脏的竞选中一决高下。

11. Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide.


12. Jim Browne is the kind of fellow who can fight dirty. 吉姆·布朗是那种打起架来不择手段的家伙。

13. "Angels with Dirty Faces" is a Cagney gangster pic. 《一世之雄》是一部由卡格尼主演的黑帮片。

14. They sat at a Formica table cluttered with dirty tea cups. 他们坐在铺有福米加塑料贴面的餐桌前,桌上凌乱地堆着用过的茶杯。

15. Avoid changing a nappy unless it's dirty or very wet. 除非尿布脏了或非常湿,否则别换。
