
时间:2023-01-20 03:00:43 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1 He can take___me to Beijing.

2 Could you please bring___the eraser to me? 3 Im thirsty, please bring_me a bottle of water. Take:带走,拿走,指从近处拿到远处。反义词是bring 带来,拿来。方向相反。指从远处拿到近处。常用句式:Take+/+地点:把某人或某物带到某地方 Bring+/+地点:把某人或某物带到某地方 根据首字母提示填写单词: 1 These questions are very d__ 2 D ___she like sports? 3 That s_________interesting. 4 I dont w___ TV in the evening. 5 They play ping-pong e ___ day. 6 He has o___one soccer ball.

7 There are many s___ clubs. Like baseball, ping-pong

and more.

8 Its s___ hot. How about going swimming? 9 Eating v____is good for your health.

For lunch, I like eating rice and chicken. I like eating rice and chicken for lunch.


For dinner, I like strawberries and pears. For dinner, I like eating strawberries and pears. I like strawberries and pears for dinner. I like.. I dont like. He/She likes He/She doesnt like They like They dont like

For breakfast, I like milk, but I dont like eggs. I like bread for lunch, but I dont like rice.
