take after造句

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take after造句

I was afraid that if I started running the man would take after me.我害怕如果我跑起来,那人会追来。

She was a smart, brave woman. You take after her.她是一名聪明、勇敢的女子。你像她。

You must take after the best example. 你应该学习最好的榜样。

She takes after her sister in appearance. 翻译:她看起来很像她的姐姐。

Gold, Etherial and Tachyon are best taken after full Kundalini Reiki attunement.


It's good to take up the threads of our old friendship after such a long absence.

时隔这么久之后重新恢复我们的老交情, 这很好。

He helped Octavian (later Augustus) take power after Julius Caesar's murder (44), defeating Sextus Pompeius in 36 and Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium in 31.

在凯撒(Caesar)被刺(西元前44年)后,他协助屋大维(后来的奥古斯都)于西元前36年击败庞培(Sextus Pompeius,又

在西元前31年亚克兴角战役(Battle of Actium)中击败安东尼。

We took a promenade along the canal after Sunday dinner.


The cuttage breeding for the hardwood and greenwood of American rabbiteye blueberry were taken in different media after the treatment in different plant growth regulator and concentration.


Orientate orientation Take a vertical phot Snap one immediately after taking a horizontal.

横拍拍,竖拍拍:拍完横幅构图的,再马上来张竖幅的。 评价该例句:好评差评指正

He made a habit of taking a nap after lunch. 他养成了午饭后小睡的习惯。
