
时间:2022-10-24 16:01:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


学生,性别男,年月日生,于年月-----年月在本校专业四年制科学习,修完教学方案规定的全部课程,成绩合格,准予毕业,并获得工学学士学位。证书编号为。学位证编号为。 特此证明 大学教务处 年月日

Certificate of Graduation(

Student **malebe born on **() **th()***()study at the Four-year full time undergraduate program of the school from **()**()to **()**().Finish all the prescript courses of the teaching plan with score qualified.Allow to graduate and get the Bachelor of Science in the Public.Certificate No.*****.Degree Certificate No.***.

pateat universis per praesentes(特此证明) ***university registrars **() **th()***()

***,学号***,性别** ,身份证号 ** ,系我校信息科学与工程学院 ***专业xx届应届本科毕业生。根据《**大学学分制学生学籍管理规定》和《**大学学士学位授予细那么》,该生已修课程成绩,符合授予学士学位条件要求。 特此证明。

*** *** Student ID gender ** ID number ** Department of our school of Information Science and Engineering *** Professional xx session of the fresh graduates. Aording to "** college student credit student status management regulations" and "Rules ** a bachelor's degree awarded" courses the student has suess consistent with the conditions required to grant a bachelor's degree. Hereby certify that. ** University of Registry
