附件3:预毕业证明模板 证 明 学生 张三,性别 男,一九八七年一月一日生, 2007年9月通过(普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 / 湖北省普通高等学校专科升读本科考试)进入我校,现属我校 电气工程及其自动化专业07电气2班学生,学制四年(专升本学生不写学制,建筑学专业学制为五年),学号为02,身份证号为42031,为在籍在校2007级学生,2011届毕业生。若2011年6月底前成绩全部合格,可按期毕业,获得毕业证书,符合学士学位授予条件,可获得学士学位证书。 特此证明。 湖北工业大学教务处 2011年5月1日 1 Certification This is to certify that Zhang San,male,born on January 1 1987,was matriculated by Hubei University of Technology in September 2007 through Chinese University Entrance Examination/upgrade from junior college student to university student Examination, majoring in Electrical Engineering and Automation. The length of schooling is four/five years Bachelor Degree course. His student number is 02 and his ID number is expected to graduate from our university in June, 2011, and to be granted a Bachelor’s degree if he can complete the required curriculum, reach the requirements of the graduation and qualify for the degree. It is hereby to certify. Academic Affairs Office (stamp) Hubei University of Technology 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/63c83eb624c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b9f6ecc4.html