盘点 9 种最糟糕的圣诞礼物

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盘点 9 种最糟糕的圣诞礼物



Great gifts are awesome. Terrible gifts are not. Want to avoid the drama this year Here are nine most hated gifts you should avoid

好的礼物人人爱;糟糕的礼物人人嫌。怕今年圣诞选错礼物吗?以下是你应该回避的9最糟糕的圣诞礼物: 1. Ugly Sweaters 难看的运动衫

Some sweaters are so ugly that they are incredible like when your aunt thinks she knows what is really “trendy” these days and the department store was having a sale.

有些运动衫实在是难看得不可思议,比如我们自认为很懂潮流的姑妈给我们买的运动衫,或者商场打折的时候出售的运动衫。 2. Surprise Pets 作为惊喜的宠物

Unwanted responsibility Check. Destroyed furniture Check. Emotionally scarring pet funeral after finally coming around to loving the little furball CHECK CHECK CHECK.

这样的宠物意味着无端临头的责任、遭破坏的家具,当我们终于喜欢上这毛茸茸的小家伙时,说不定还会因它们去世留下感情的疮疤。 3. Anything “Made With Love” But Unwearable

一切表达爱意却不能戴上街 的手工制品

I mean thanks for the effort... 呃,还是谢谢您的心意……
