中山大学博士后招聘计划汇总表( 2018 年) 合作导师姓名 Supervisor 中文 英文 二级学科 Second-level discipline 中文 肿瘤学(3) 单鸿 Hong Shan 肝脏病学(3) 纳米医学(1) 樊韵平 Yunping Fan 耳鼻咽喉科(2) 英文 On cology Hepatology Nano-medici ne Otolary ngology (I nfectious 研究方向 Field of research 中文 肿瘤的分子靶向成像和治疗 肝脏疾病的分子影像学研究 多模态分子影像探针 鼻-鼻窦炎发病机制及鼻粘膜免疫 调控 内科学(感染病学)(2) In ternal Medici ne Diseases) 免疫学(3) 黄曦 Xi Hua ng 生物信息学(2) 材料科学(2) Bioi nformatics Material Scie nee 基于临床大样本的疾病组学分析 纳米材料在结核诊断和治疗中的 应用 骨肌疾病影像学诊断 李绍林 Shaoli n Li 影像医学与核医学(2) Imagi ng and Nuclear Medici ne 骨髓间充质干细胞在骨关节损伤 修复中活体示踪研究 彭晓谋 卢华定 鲁红云 王成 Xiaomou Peng Huad ing Lu Hongyun Lu Che ng Wang 内科学(传染病学1) 外科学(2) 内分泌代谢病科(2) In ternal Medici ne ( In fectious Diseases) Orthopedic Surgery En docri no logy & Metabolism 病毒性肝炎 关节疾病 肥胖及其相关疾病 足细胞线粒体损伤 Immuno logy 结核免疫 抗感染免疫及炎症调控机制研究 英文 Molecular targeted imaging and therapy for tumor Molecular Imaging research on liver diseases Multi-mode molecular imagi ng probe Pathoge nesis of rhinosinu sitisand regulati on of n asal mucosal immun ity Immuno logy of Tuberculosis Immuno logy of in fectio n and regulatory mecha nism of in flammati on High-performanee analysis of BIGdata in Omics-based medici ne Nano materials in TB diag no sis and therapy Imagi ng diag no sis of skeletal muscle diseases In vivo tracking of MSC in the repair of joint injuries Viral Hepatitis Joint diseases Obesity and its related diseases Mitocho ndrial injury of podocyte 内科学(肾脏病学)(1) Internal Medic ine (Nephrology) 1 / 3 生物信息学(1) Bioi nformatics 基于临床大样本的疾病组学分析 腹部诊断 High-performanee analysis of BIGdata in Omics-based medici ne Diag no sis of abdome n In terve ntio nal treatme nt Artificial intelligence in MSK Imaging Nano-m icelles in cancer imag ing Epige netic regulati on mecha nism of 苏中振 Zhongzhen Su 超声医学(2) Ultraso und Medici ne 介入治疗 影像诊断学(1) 洪国斌 Guob in Hong 纳米医学(1) Diag no stic Imagi ng Nano-medici ne 人工智能在肌骨系统的临床应用 研究 聚合物纳米胶束肿瘤影像学 病原-宿主相互作用过程中的表观 遗传学调控机制研究 肿瘤微环境 肿瘤的分子靶向成像和治疗 新型正电子放射性药物探针的研 制以及临床应用 陈守登 Shoudeng Chen 分子医学(2) Molecular Medici ne pathoge n-host in teract ion Tumor microe nvironment Molecular targeted imaging and therapy 何欢欢 Huan hua n (Mahsa) He 肿瘤学(1) 分子影像学(1) 放射药物学(1) On cology Molecular imagi ng Radiopharmceutics On cology Molecular imagi ng Immuno logy Hepatology for tumor Novel positron radiotracer development and cli ni cal applicati ons Investigation of molecular mechanism for hepatic metastasis PET dyn amic data an alysis and modeli ng Molecular mecha nism of virus-host in teractio n in HBV and HCV in fectio n Pathogenesis of liver cancer caused by chronic HBV and HCV Fun cti onal molecular probe 金红军 Hongjun Jin 肿瘤学(1) 分子影像学(1) 免疫学(1) 肝癌迁移分子机制研究 PET动态扫描数据处理以及模拟 乙型丙型肝炎病毒与宿主相互作 用的分子机制 慢性乙型丙型肝炎导致肝癌的发 病机制 功能分子探针 肖非 Fei Xiao 肝脏病学(1) 刘哲 Zhe Liu 分子影像学(2) Molecular Imagi ng 精准医学 Precisi on medici ne On cologic molecular pathology 林东 Dong Lin 肿瘤学(1) On cology 肿瘤分子病理学 2 / 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/31e8a516cf7931b765ce0508763231126edb77c9.html