★ Months(月份 ):(月份单词开头字母要大June 6月 December 12月 February March April May ) 写January 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 July August September October November 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 一年有多少个月? 可简 How many mon ths are there in a year There are twelve mon ths in a year. 答Twelve . 一年的第一个月是什么? What' s the first month of the year ? It 可简答:January. ' s January . ★ Dates and Days (日期与日):(星期单词开头字母要大写!) !: esday 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 Dates(日期:表示几月几日 thIt ' s November 18 . What date is it today ? 今天的日期是什么? It ' s Sun day . What day is it today ? 今天星期几? How many days are there in a week 一星期多少天? 可简 答:Seven . There are seve n days in a week. Wha' s the first day of the week ? 一周的第一天是什么? 可简答:Sun day . It ' s Sun day . When is the Army Day in Chi 建军节是什么时候? stna It ' s on August 1 Sunday Mon day Tuesday Wedn Thursday Friday Saturday ) ★ Seas ons (季节) Spri ng ( 春天)summer (夏天)autu mn ( 秋天)win ter ( 冬天) How many seas ons are there in a year ? What are they 一年有多少个季节?他们是什么? ,summer,autu mn win ter . There are four . They are Spring 有 四个。他们是春夏秋冬。 一年的第一个季节是什么? 可简 Wha' s the first seas on of the year 答:Spring . It ' s spring . ★序数词和基数词 one eleve n twen ty- first eleve nth ststthtwen ty-first (21) (1) (11) one twen ty- twe nty-sec ond two twelve second twelfth nd ndth, three (2 ) third (3 rd) thirtee n two (12) thirtee nth (13th) twen ty- three (22) twen ty-third (23 rd) four five six fourth (4 th) fifth (5 th) fourtee n fiftee n fourtee n (14th) fiftee nth (15th) thirty forty fifty sixty seve nty thirtieth (30 th) fortieth (40 th) fiftieth (50 th) Sixtieth (60 th) seve ntieth (70 th) sixtee n six sixtee nth (6 th) (16th) seve n seve nth seve ntee n seve ntee nth (17th) (7 th) eight eightee n eighth eightee nth (8 th) (18th) nine ninth (8th) nin etee n nin etee nth (19th) eighty eightieth (80 th) ten ten th (10th) twenty twen tieth (20 th) ninety nin etieth (90 th) ★频率词:(注意频率词使用的位置!) 0% never sometimes usually often always everyday 100 1.1 n ever drink coffee . 2. some reading . 3. 爸经常上网。 我从不喝咖啡。 冷 My mother sometimes does 我妈妈有时读书。 My father usually surf s the Net . 我爸4. My friend homework after dinner. 做作业。 often does his 我的朋友通常晚饭后 Kate always goes to 总是按时上学。 5. school on time. Kate 6. Jim brushes his teeth everyday . Jim 每天刷牙。 How often …?多经常。。。? How ofte n do you take exercise ? I take exercise after class everyday . How often do e§ your mother go shopping She go es shopp ing at the weeke nd . ★句中有频率词,第三人称单数动词后加 你有多经常做运动? 我每天放学后做运动。 你妈妈多经常购物? 她周末购物。 s, es或去y加-ies . 例子:watch-watches brush-brushes teach-teaches wash-washes go-goes do-does study-studies fly-flies 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/32587143094c2e3f5727a5e9856a561252d321ec.html