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Months(月份) :(月份单词开头字母要大写! January February March April

1 July 7

2 August 8

3 September 9

4 October 10

May 5 11

June 6 12

November December

How many months are there in a year 一年有多少个月 There are twelve months in a year. 可简答: Twelve . What’s the first month of the year 一年的第一个月是什么 It’s January . 可简答: January.

Dates and Days 日期与日):(星期单词开头字母要大写!

Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdaThursday Friday Saturday


星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 Dates(日期):表示几月几日

What date is it today 今天的日期是什么 It’s November 18th . What day is it today 今天星期几 It’s Sunday . How many days are there in a week 一星期多少天

There are seven days in a week. 可简答: Seven . What’s the first day of the week 一周的第一天是什么 It’s Sunday . 可简答: Sunday . When is the Army Day in China 建军节是什么时候 It’s on August 1st

Seasons (季节)

Spring (春天) summer (夏天) autumn (秋天) winter (冬天) How many seasons are there in a year What are they 一年有多少个季节他们是什么

There are four . They are Spring summer autumn winter . 有四个。他们是春夏秋冬。

What’s the first season of the year 一年的第一个季节是什么 It’s spring . 可简答: Spring .

序数词和基数词 one first (1st) eleven two



three third


twelve thirteen

eleventh twenty- (11th) one twelfth (12th) twenty-


thirteenth twenty- (13th) three

twenty-first (21st) twenty-second


twenty-third (23rd)

four five six fourth (4th) fifth (5th) six (6th)


seven seventh


eight eighth

(8th) nine

ninth (8th) tenth (10th)

fourteen (14th)

fifteen fifteenth


sixteen sixteenth


seventeen seventeenth


eighteen eighteenth

(18th) nineteen

nineteenth (19th) twentieth (20th)

thirty forty fifty sixty seventy thirtieth (30th) fortieth (40th) fiftieth (50th) Sixtieth (60th) seventieth (70th)


eightieth (80th) ninetieth (90th)


twenty ninety


0 never sometimes usually often always everyday 100

1I never drink coffee . 我从不喝咖啡。

2My mother sometimes does some reading . 我妈妈有时读书。 3My father usually surfs the Net . 我爸爸经常上网。

4My friend often does his homework after dinner. 我的朋友通常晚饭后做作业。 5Kate always goes to school on time. Kate总是按时上学。 6Jim brushes his teeth everyday. Jim每天刷牙。

How often … 多经常。。。

How often do you take exercise 你有多经常做运动 I take exercise after class everyday . 我每天放学后做运动。 How often does your mother go shopping 你妈妈多经常购物 She goes shopping at the weekend . 她周末购物。

句中有频率词,第三人称单数动词后加ses 或去y-ies .

watch-watches brush-brushes teach-teaches wash-washes go-goes do-does study-studies fly-flies
