Naming Customs Cultures and families have different naming customs. People believe a suitable name can serve as helping to determine if an outline for a child's future, the child will be a famous painter or a piano player, a lawyer or a landlord. In some Asian countries, parents go to a name fortune-teller to get a name that will bring good luck to a child. For example, it is often considered bad luck to give a girl a very strong name. People think this will bring her unhappiness in life and girls should have names that are soft, attractive, and beautiful. This is why, in Japan, girls' names often end in -ko (Akiko, Hiroko), which means "child". Chinese girls are often given names that mean "jade", "snow", or "flower". In the same way, boys often have names that are strong or coarse, suggesting success and wealth. In China, boys are given names like "brilliant" or "upright", in the hope that they will become the cream of the crop when they grow up. Names can also be a sign of family heritage. For example, in Africa, first names The first part of a boy's first name usually follows a strict genealogy All the boys in one generation of a family, the brothers have two parts. used for many generations. and male cousins, will have the same first part to their name. In fact, there are some African camps where almost all of the males share the same first name. Similarly, in some Arabic-speaking countries, boys are given the first name of their paternal grandfather. In European countries, families may repeat the same names for several generations. In Iceland, a girl's last name translates as "daughter of..." and a boy's translates as "son of...". Finally, some people name their children after famous rulers or public figures, like George Washington Carver, for example, or even after their favorite soap opera actors on television. Others choose names based on figures from the Bible, such as Joseph, Matthew, David, Ruth, Mary, and Sarah. of the family. In this way, names may point to the values Customs are not the only things that restrict the naming of children, however. Some governments employ specific personnel from regular usage. to omit names that may harm children In Argentina, for example, the government must approve of all names. Parents cannot give their children strange or ridiculous names, and any foreign names must be Hispanicized. One couple wanted to call their child Kennedy, for example, but lost their case in court. In Germany, too, the government has the power to stop parents from giving their children strange names. Recent attempts to call a child Bierstuebl ("Little Beer Hall") have not been accepted. Sascha. One family found itself in a jam when they fought to call their son The government insisted he have a middle name that showed he was a boy. This is also an issue in Japan, where the government feels children should not be given names that other children will make fun of. Is naming something that should be left up to the parents? Does the government have the right to step in to protect the child? Ironing out the details of 本文来源: