
时间:2022-03-22 06:17:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



asking about jobs询问有关工作的事宜

I was at the store the other day. I saw a former co-worker, Michael, across the room. He used to work at my company until he quit a few months ago to start a new job as a public relations officer at Missouri University. It"s a job he"s been working toward for years. He wasn"t happy working for a corporation and wanted to get into either a non-profit organization or a university. I wanted to see how he was doing. The truth was, I was thinking of making a move myself.

有一天我在商场中看到了我以前的同事麦克。他曾经在我的公司中任职,几个朋前找到一个新工作,去密苏里大学任公共关系负责人。这是他找了几年的工作。他不喜欢为企业工作,而想供职于非赢利性机构或大学。我想知道他混得如何了。我决定主动去问他 Dialog 英语情景对话

Becky: Hey, Michael. Remember me? I"m Becky. We used to work at Lekmans together.


Michael: Oh, sure. How are you? Long time, no see. How are things at Lekmans?

男:噢,当然,你好吗,很久没见了,雷克曼公司还好吧 Becky: It"s about the same. I"ve been thinking of making a change

myself. Do you mind if I ask you a few things about your job at the university?


Michael: No, not at all. Go ahead. 男:响,没有事,你问吧

Becky: Well, I was wondering what the salaries are like? I mean…are they much lower than the corporate world?


Michael: Well, I can"t speak for all universities, but my salary is a definitely lower than at Lekmans. I just don"t think the salaries are comparable when you leave a major corporation.


Becky: Yeah, that"s what I thought. But, I"ve heard that the perks are better. I was wondering if that was really true.


Michael: I"d have to say yes and no on that. I don"t get a big end-of-the-year bonus like I did at Lekmans but I get to take classes for free if I want to. I"ve always wanted to get a graduate degree so I"m taking classes now to do that.

