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脸用英语怎么说 英语说法 face countenance 脸的相关短语 捂脸 Facepalm 骷髅脸 Skull Face 亲脸 KissFace 脸的英语例句 1. He came to me with a very long face. 他拉长了脸来找我。

2. She looked him full in the face as she spoke. 她说话的时候直盯着他的脸。

3. She sipped the wine. Everything was hazy now, except for Nick“s face. 她小口地抿着酒。现在一切都变得模糊起来,除了尼克的脸。

4. Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face. 萨拉走上前来,紧绷着脸,怒气冲冲。

5. She had small feet and hands and a flat, round face. 她的手脚都很小,脸又扁又圆。

6. It was quite a shock to see my face on that screen! 从那个屏幕上看到我的脸,真让人惊愕不已。7. Our father“s face had reddened with rage and he began to sputter. 我们的父亲气得涨红了脸,说话开始语无伦次。

8. He saw the Major"s face a few inches from his own. 他看见少校的脸离他自己的只有几英寸. 9. His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn. 那时他的脸因为晒伤而脱皮。 10. The branches tore at my jacket and scratched my hands and face. 树枝刮破了我的夹克,划伤了我的手和脸。

11. She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin. 她侧过脸飞快地在我下巴上亲了一下。

12. Their two faces were hardly more than eighteen inches

apart. 他俩的脸相隔还不到18英寸。

13. Down below them was the sea of upturned faces. 他们下面是无数张仰望的脸。

14. She turned scarlet from embarrassment, once she realized what she had done. 她意识到自己做了什么后羞红了脸。 15. The blood drained from his face, leaving the skin dead white. 他的脸失去了血色,变得一片死灰。

关于脸的英语趣闻:脸长的男人智商高 Researchers have found we have an inbuilt ability to tell how intelligent a man is just by looking at them. The team from the Czech Republic found people were unable to perform the same deduction on women. 研究表明,我们其实有一种与生俱来的能力,那就是通过看一个男人 的脸来判定他的智商,这项发现来自捷克共和国研究小组,不过研咳嗽北硎菊庖煌坡鄄皇视糜谂

The team used

static facial photographs of 40 men and 40 women to test the relationship between measured IQ, perceived intelligence, and facial shape. 这一研究团队分析了40个男人和40个女人静态的面部图,测试其智商、 认知能力和脸型的关系。

Both men and women were able to accurately evaluate the intelligence of men by viewing facial photographs, they discovered. 他们发现,男性和女性都能够通过看男人的脸型精准地评估出他的智 商。

The study, in the journal PLoS One, reports people tend to associate certain facial traits with high intelligence. 该研究发布《公共科学图书馆期刊》上。研究报告表明,人们倾向 于把某种脸型特征与高智商联系起来。

"Faces that are perceived as highly intelligent are rather prolonged with a broader distance between the eyes, a larger nose, a slight upturn to the corners of the mouth, and a sharper,
