高中英语人教版选修六 Unit2 泛读课文逐句翻译

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选修六Unit 2 I'VE SAVED THE SUMMER我把夏天省下来 (by Rod McKuen)罗德·麦丘恩(Rod McKuen I've saved the summer 我把夏天省下, And I give it all to you全都交给你。

To hold on winter mornings当雪花儿初降时, When the snow is new.让冬天的早晨停住。 I've saved some sunlight我把阳光省下, If you should ever need以供你不时之需。

A place away from darkness 在那远离黑暗的地方, Where your mind can feed.你的心灵会得到滋养。 And for myself I've kept your smile When you were but nineteen,


Till you're older you'll not know等你长大成人以后,

What brave young smiles can mean.才知道年轻勇敢的微笑的奥秘。 I know no answers 我不知道有什么办法,

To help you on your way帮你踏上你人生的旅程。 The answers lie somewhere答案也许就在某处: At the bottom of the day.在白天结束的那个时辰。 But if you've a need for love但是如果你需要爱, I'll give you all l own我会献上我所有的爱。

It might help you down the road它也许能帮你踏上旅程, Till you've found your own.直到你也找到属于你的爱。
