高中英语选修7 Unit2 Robots-Reading课件〔人教新课标〕 * 生活机器人 消防机器人 工业机器人 战争机器人 Do you think it is possible for a robot to: think for itself? have feelings? have its own needs and desires? look and feel like a human being? Reading Satisfaction Guaranteed writer: Isaac Asimov Larry Belmont Claire Tony Gladys Claffern Characters in the story: ---- Larry’s wife, a housewife ---- the robot ---- employed in a company that makes robots ---- a woman that Claire envies scanning Claire didn’t like the idea about the robot at the beginning but she agreed to it at last. When Tony, the robot, offered to help dressing, Claire was pleased to accept it. But she thought it was surprising for a robot to be so human. Tony could understand Claire when she said she was not clever. It was Claire that first decided to invite Gladys and her friends to her house. The company was satisfied with Tony’s report because he had successfully made a woman fall in love with him. T F F T F What is the text mainly about? It is mainly about how____________ used for ___________was tested out in a ______. a robot housework family cried all night felt being envied felt his warmth called him a dear admired him felt embarrassed was alarmed disliked him Claire… occasion Before he arrived When he arrived When he offered to help her dress When he offered to help her improve her house and herself When he helped her with the salesman When she fell off a ladder and caught by Tony When she heard … She remembered Tony was just a machine Read the text carefully and fill in the form. How Claire’s emotion developed refuse accept trust proud love sad 1. Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony? A. Because he was a robot. B. Because she did’t like him. C. Because he was more like a human being than a machine. D. Because he never changed his facial expressions. Choose the best answer 2. The robot Tony helped Claire to realize her dreams by______. A. making her home elegant B. giving her a new haircut and changing the make-up she wore C. giving her advice on her dresses D. all the above 3. As a result, the experiment shows_______. A. Claire and Tony fell in love with each other B. Tony had to be rebuilt C. Tony was angry with his designer D. Both A and B * * * 英语学习辅导报 出品 英语学习辅导报 出品 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a7a81be8d938376baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21fcbc.html