狼来了英语短文故事 狼来了英语短文故事 The Boy Who Cried Wolf 狼来了 A shepherd-boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!" and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at them for their pains. 一个牧童,在一个村子的边上放羊,他三番四次地喊“狼来了”,村民听到后都跑出来帮他,但其实狼并没有来,牧童只是拿他们来开玩笑。 The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: "Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep"; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance. The Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock. 不过,狼,最后真的来了。这时,牧童真的.着急了,他非常害怕地叫喊:“求求你们了,过来帮帮我吧,狼正在吃羊了”,但没有人理他,更没有人来帮他。结果,那只狼肆无忌惮对羊群大开杀戒,羊群一下子就全毁了。 There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth. 这故事告诉我们:撒谎的人是没人相信的,即使当他说实话的时候。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/366a06c40a75f46527d3240c844769eae109a379.html