
时间:2023-09-22 10:56:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The wolf is coming 狼来了

Long long ago ,there was a child in the forest .His name is Dongdong, Dongdong had many sheep .He looked after them everyday.

One day , Dongdong sad :“It’s boring……OK !I have a good idea .”

He climbed up to the hill.

“Help ! Help ! The wolf is coming.”!

The farmers heard him “Oh, dear ! The wolf is coming! Let’s go and help him.” They ran to Dongdong .

“Dongdong ! Dongdong !where is the wolf?” “Ha Ha Ha There is no wolf at all!” There is no wolf at all

“ How can you tell such a lie !” They were very angry.

The next day .He called again

“Help! Help! The wolf is coming.”! The farmers were very angry. “We will never believe you!” “Wawu wawu”

Suddenly a big wolf jumped out . Help ! Help !

But nobody answered. “Wawu……wawu!”

You are a bad boy! Nobody will help you !Ha !Ha !Ha !” “But Mr wolf, we should be good friends.” “Good friends? You and I ?way?”

“Bad guys should make friends with bad guys .Then we can protect ourselves .”

The wolf thought for a while. “Maybe……you are right.”

The wolf turned back .“Wawu wawu!”

Dong dong picked up a stick and hit the wolf .

The wolf passed out .“You are a clever boy .Never lie again .or you can only make friend with wolves .remember!” It’s my fault .I apologize .Sorry!”

很久很久以前,在森林里住着一个小男孩,他的名字叫东东。东东家养了很多羊。每天他都去放羊。有一天东东说:“哎,真是太无聊了!哎,我有一个好主意!”他爬上了那个小山。“救命啊!救命啊!狼来了!”农民叔叔又听到了他的叫声。“哦!天哪!狼来了!我们快去协助他吧!”他们跑到东东那里。“东东,东东,大灰狼呢?”“哈!!!根本就没有狼!”“你怎么能够撒这样的慌呢?”他们非常的生气! 第二天,他又叫了一次。“狼来了,救命啊!”又一次,农民叔叔非常非常地生气。“我们永远也不会再相信你了!”狼叫了“啊呜
