研究生英语 Personal Statement I have been greatly fascinated by chemistry since my first exposure to the Periodic Table of Elements。 The natural order of the first 12 elements, discovered approximately 450 years ago, made it possible for the elements to be placed on a chart consisting of rows and columns, such that elements sharing a column were discovered to have similar characteristics。 This led Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleyev to predict the existence of the element with the atomic number 32, germanium, as well as its colour, weight, density, and melting point. The predicted elements have since been discovered and I was greatly marvelled at this feat amongst many others。 My interest in chemistry has been further stimulated as I have continued to learn more about the characteristics of the individual elements, the nature of their atoms, and how they form familiar chemical compounds that are particularly critical to the existence of life and the practice of medicine。 Arriving at the decision to study Applied Chemistry took me quite some time。 This was because I was determined to find out where my interests really lie as I excelled in most of my Science subjects. However, I knew that I love experimenting in Chemistry and also that it is one of my favourite subjects. I dutifully attended a number of career sessions and open days for science subjects at various universities, and the ones focussing on Chemistry left a lasting impression on me。 Also, I took time to visit one or two commercial chemistry—oriented laboratories in my area to talk with the chemists there。 Their experiences have reinforced my love for the subject. They helped me to understand the wide variety of careers available for a graduate with a good knowledge of Chemistry, i.e. research, pharmaceuticals, and even environmental management。 The prospect of a career in research and pharmaceuticals is of great interest to me。 At this point, I was finally convinced that studies in Chemistry and a career in research in the same subject is what I wanted to pursue, this is largely due to my love for Chemistry as a science. My interest in Chemistry was consolidated by my work experience at ChangZhou University Chemistry Department。 The more advanced Chemistry I was 1 研究生英语 exposed to – in textbooks, discussions and practical work ensured me that I would be interested in degree level Chemistry. My work mainly consisted of brominating an aromatic, which would produce an intermediate for stem-cell research. This taught me valuable practical skills, such as the use of Schlenk apparatus, column separation and rotary evaporation. Working with a research team made me particularly attracted to courses offering an opportunity to take part in research. Using analytical machinery, such as NMR, on compounds that I had produced excitingly brought what had been theory in a textbook into practical reality. The desire for more of these moments is one of my main motivations for studying Chemistry. In addition, I regularly engage in further reading online, e.g. the Oxford pre—University Chemistry Course. This has expanded my interest in Chemistry syllabus. Nevertheless, I am acutely aware that, in the research fields I am interested in, there are still so many difficult subjects and challenges awaiting for solution. In physical chemistry, China is relatively backward in the fields of catalyst development, catalyst inactivation, reaction dynamics, reaction mechanism, geochemical reaction mechanism, environmental—chemical reaction mechanism。 In analytical chemistry, China lags relatively behind its Western counterparts in areas such as instrumental analysis and theoretical analytical chemistry。 Basically, China relies on import for large-scale analytical instruments. By contrast, the United States has many world-leading academic specialists and encourages interdisciplinary programs。 It will accord me a stimulating and liberal academic environment, apart from the sophisticated research facilities. Rice University is my top priority in applying for a Ph.D. program and I choose to specialize in physical chemistry or in analytical chemistry。 At Rice University, I plan to learn broader—based foundational theories in my chosen fields。 With my solid interdisciplinary knowledge and my ability for the quick assimilation of new knowledge, I intend to secure for myself a RA status to directly start my laboratory research under the guidance of my future advisor。 I can also work as TA so that I can study while teaching and conducting my internship。 I 2 研究生英语 can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that I acquire in the process of internship and degree program。 Finally, through theoretical study and scientific research, I would endeavor to produce a well—written dissertation in which I hope to achieve some breakthroughs on both the theoretical and the research level。 After obtaining my Ph。D. degree, I intend to enter one of the top research institutes to delve deeper into some challenging subjects and to achieve some research fruits. After accumulating certain research experience at an actual research institute, I plan to return to China to work as a professor at a leading Chinese university, a position which will enable me to train many more academic professionals in physical or analytical chemistry。 At the same time, I will also dedicate myself to turning my laboratory research results into yet more patents and inventions, which can further be developed into products with pragmatic applications。 My passion for Chemistry stems from an appetite to understand the physical world around me, and I eagerly anticipate the enhancement of understanding that degree level Chemistry will bring。 Signature:________________________ Date:____________________________ 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/36b582bc1937f111f18583d049649b6648d7098f.html